In this episode of The Legion Clubhouse, Sunboy goes mad. MAD I TELLS YOU!
In the city of Metropolis, in the 30th Century, there exists one of the most amazing clubs of all time! It’s members are teen-aged youths, each possessing on special super-powers! The club members have vowed to use their fantastic power to battle crime… This rocket shaped building is the Legion Clubhouse!
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Action Comics #309
The Superman Super-Spectacular!
February 1964 (would have gone on sale appoximately 12/26/63)
w: Edmond Hamilton
a: Curt Swan
When Our American Heroes, a TV show honoring great Americans by reuniting them on air with their old acquaintances, honors Superman in such fashion, he is perplexed as to how he will find someone to portray Clark Kent and thus throw suspicion off his double identity. President John F. Kennedy agrees to do so, and, in a Clark Kent mask and make-up, shakes Superman’s hand on the air. Later, Superman tells JFK that he knows his secret identity is safe with him. – DC Wikia
Adventure Comics #318
The Mutiny of the Legionnaires!
March 1964
w: Edmond Hamilton
a: John Forte
While Mon-El and Superboy continue to pierce the “Iron Curtain of Time” that the Time Trapper has put over a future era, Cosmic Boy and Sun-Boy agree to help the population of a dieing world to relocate to a new home world. Recruiting other Legion members (Light Lass, Matter-Eater Lad, Triplicate Girl, Lightning Lad and Star Boy), they load up a giant space craft with the alien race.
Along their voyage in space, the pressure of leadership gets the best of Sun-Boy who begins to strictly reprimand his fellow Legion members. Believing them to all be mutineers, Sun-Boy has the robots controlling the ship force his teammates into an escape ship and crashes it on the doomed planet. The doomed Legion members fight off various threats until they come across an ancient space craft which they cannibalize for spare parts to make their escape ship space worthy. Learning from the Science Police that Sun-Boy never met his destination, the Legion goes into space to search for him.
They eventually find Sun-Boy’s ship, and a catatonic Sun-Boy on board. Returning him to Earth and getting him examined by doctors, they realize his behavior was cause from too much time in space. After Sun-Boy is cured, the Legion enact new measures limiting the amount of space missions a Legion member can take for the sake of their health. – DC Wikia
Originally introduced in 1958, the Legion of Super-Heroes is a team of super-powered teenagers from the disparate worlds of the 30th century’s United Planets. Each hero had his or her own powers, unique to their planets of origin; together, they stood against evil across the galaxy. Together with 20th century hero Superboy, this team–originally made up of Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy, but soon numbering in the dozens–fought for justice as they dealt with adolescent insecurities.
Collects ADVENTURE COMICS #247, #267, #282, #290, #293, #300-328; ACTION COMICS #267, #276, #287 and #289; SUPERMAN #147; SUPERMAN ANNUAL #4 and SUPERMAN’S PAL JIMMY OLSEN #72, #76; and SUPERBOY #86, #89, #98 and #117.
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1 Comment
I’ve just started listening to your Legion Clubhouse podcast and I want to point out something you may have missed:
You mention that Supergirl may have joined the Legion before Brainiac 5 and mention the appearance of a figure in Adventure 247, wondering if that was a retcon or not. See the page . Brainiac 5 was only there because it was recolored in the reprints.
The issue which is actually used as evidence that Supergirl joined before Superboy is Adventure 323, which has a flashback that actually does show Brainiac 5. (This story is incidentally coming up soon in your podcast.)