The leader of Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters, the thirty-sixth entry in Japan’s long-running Super Sentai franchise, Hiromu Sakurada and his team each have a critical weakness to their technologically derived super-powers. In his case, he is susceptible to fear/panic reactions, an Achilles’ heel that is often hilariously triggered by his phobia…
…of chickens. Kinda makes that whole “radioactive chunks of my dead planet” thing look a bit more attractive, eh?
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If we include non-television material, Aspirin can be fatal to the Doctor (and other Time Lords). This was never explicitly stated within the TV series, but is within novels and audio dramas. However, there IS an episode of the TV series where Jo offers the Third Doctor an Earth medicine tablet, which he states could kill him, and while it was not directly said to be Aspirin in the episode, many fans speculate it was an Aspirin tablet after the subject was stated in later non-televised works.