Inter-Nation Security agent Ray Randall, whose name is totally not Harvey, was empowered by the sun god Ra with mighty powers of flight, energy manipulation and melodious shouting. Alongside his super-powered sidekick, Avenger The Eagle, he fought the forces of F.E.A.R., X The Eliminator and more, but his sun-driven abilities came with a downside. When out of the direct rays of the sun (sometimes even just when in the shade of a cloudbank), Birdman was often rendered powerless, but any exposure to heat/light (including one incident of being chucked in an incinerator) would cause his powers to kick back in…
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If we include non-television material, Aspirin can be fatal to the Doctor (and other Time Lords). This was never explicitly stated within the TV series, but is within novels and audio dramas. However, there IS an episode of the TV series where Jo offers the Third Doctor an Earth medicine tablet, which he states could kill him, and while it was not directly said to be Aspirin in the episode, many fans speculate it was an Aspirin tablet after the subject was stated in later non-televised works.