In March 2017 the Power Rangers movie hit theaters. A few days later, you can read the adventures of the Power Rangers that happen after the movie in BOOM! Studios’ Saban’s Power Rangers: Aftershock.
Written by Ryan Parrott (Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, Batman: Gates of Gotham) and illustrated by Lucas Werneck, Saban’s Power Rangers: Aftershock original graphic novel (ISBN 978-1-60886-937-4, trim size 6.625″ x 10.1875″, page count 96, retail price $14.99, full color) features two different covers: a movie cover that can be pre-ordered and purchased wherever books are sold, and an exclusive illustrated cover by Greg Smallwood (Moon Knight) that can only be pre-ordered and purchased through comic book shops.
If the Power Rangers movie is as big and popular as everyone wants it to be, this could be the must have comic book in March.
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With the exception of Star Wars comics, I’ve always been a little iffy about “after the movie” comics.
But Boom! might be changing my mind since they tend to put out a lot of really fun, quality stuff.