There are some really cool lightsabers that you can buy and display. The Major Spoilers HQ collected a few of them a few years ago, but once you’ve had a fight or two with the kids, you want a little more. You can now build your own lightsaber thanks to the instructions from MrTinkerer at Instructables.
According to the designer, you can build a lightsaber for as little as $60.00 to as much as $1,000.00, with the average price settling around $160.
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It really depends on several factors, such as patience, access to certain materials, certain know-how, what you are looking to have for the final product, etc. With a little luck, you could pull it off for far less than $60.
A couple of friends have made their own, and one only cost about $15 (a lot of luck with yard sales and secondhand shops, as well as access to certain materials through her husband’s job), while the other was about $320 (her hilt is very extravagant, as if it belongs to royalty, and was the most expensive part of the project).
I’m shooting for low-cost for mine. I’m actually going for a “scavenged parts” look for the hilt, but I’m realistically expecting it to come out to about $50 – $75.