This week on the Major Spoilers Podcast: We go in search of the Wandering Island, Talk Pokemon Go, Review Flash #2, Invincible Iron Man #11, AND Space Battle Lunchtime #3!
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Make sure to head to to get a bonus track where we discuss 30 years of Big Trouble in Little China and The Love Bug!
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Carmine Di Giandomenico
“LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE” Chapter Two: In issue #2, The Flash trains novice speedster August Heart to help protect the people of Central City from the Black Hole, a new breed of rogue with a deadly agenda for the Fastest Men Alive.
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Mike Deodato
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
On the road to CIVIL WAR II!
• During the last Civil War, Tony Stark and Captain America battled to the bitter end. Now they find themselves on the same side. Or do they?
• It is Steve Rogers and Tony Stark like you have never seen them before.
Writer/Artist: Natalie Riess
Price: $3.99
Publisher: Oni Press
After surviving one round of Space Battle Lunchtime, Peony is a little more confident in her cooking abilities. And the chefs are warned against sabotaging each other, so maybe this round will go a little more smoothly. OR… the sabotage will continue! And this time, someone may end up in the hospital!
If you want to suggest a trade paperback, you need to send an email to That suggestion will go into the hopper and at least once a month, we’ll pick a number of suggestions for you to vote on, and at the end of the polling period, the book with the most votes will get the Major Spoilers Podcast treatment.
Wandering Island is a retro flying adventure in the spirit of Hayao Miyazaki. With eight pages in color, this special edition features an extended wraparound cover with French flaps.
Mikura Amelia is a free-spirited young woman who lives alone with her cat and operates an air delivery service, flying her vintage seaplane to Japan’s small island communities located hundreds of miles out in the Pacific.
When her beloved grandfather passes away, she discovers he left her an undelivered parcel, addressed to an island that doesn’t exist . . . or does it? To answer the question, Mikura flies off in search of the truth behind the Wandering Island!
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A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends!
Closing music comes from Ookla the Mok.
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1 Comment
While I understand Matthew’s apprehension when it comes to completionist based games, I would like to point out that that hasn’t been a focus of Pokemon, at least in the main games, in more than a decade. Back when Ruby and Sapphire came out, you could trade your pokemon to it from Gold/Silver, and many prior generation pokemon couldn’t be caught in them. For this reason, they dropped the “Gotta Catch Em All” slogan, and it hasn’t been seen since. Catching them all is still a thing you can do, but it’s been far less emphasized. Pokemon X/Y even had a bunch of NPCs that followed you on your journey that had a variety of goals other than “Gotta Catch Em All”.
Pokemon Go also isn’t conducive to “catching them all”. Getting a pokemon to be more powerful relies on you running into the same kind of pokemon a lot, not a variety of pokemon.