What would happen if the classic Akira anime feature film was done in the style of The Simpsons, and featured Simpson characters? You don’t have to speculate, because the fan made trailer for Bartkira is here!
Bartkira is an animated parody mash-up of The Simpsons and Akira. Based on an idea by Ryan Humphrey articulated through comics, the concept was expanded with the Bartkira project, a comic collaboration of Simpsons fans, curated by James Harvey. In association with the comic, Moon Animate Make-Up producer Kaitlin Sullivan pitched the idea of an animated trailer to match and with the work of over fifty artists, produced the Bartkira animated trailer.
Alas, poor Flanders, we hardly, doodily-knew you.
1 Comment
Wow, that was awesome! The animation is spot on to Akira and the Simpsons characters stay on model. Milhouse makes total sense as Tetsuo and hearing the Akira sound effects over the Simpsons animation gave me chills. Very cool!