Top Five Movies That Are So Bad They Are Awesome
Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five.
They receive Razzies, are called turkeys, and are truly rotten. They are movies that are so bad, they are awesome.
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What’s the difference between a movie that’s so bad it’s good and one thats a guilty pleasure? Discuss.
I love this episode guys. I remember all these movies from my childhood. Highlight was Roderigo trying to explain to us Mac and Me, the wonderful MacDonalds/ CocaCola Rip off of ET.
But I must say that Matthew choosing Barry Gordy’s the Last Dragon was epic. I ran around my office excitedly yelling and laughing, making everyone I work with look at me like I was a crazy person. My best friend and I think they should do a reboot of this one with Terry Crews as Shonuff.
Also, the best action movie soundtrack of all time.
“You are the Last Dragon, you possess the power of the Glow”
Thanks Guys.
Off the top of my head:
5 – Mesmer (1994) – A Movie I watched specifically because there’s a scene with Alan Rickman moaning, a LOT.
4- Doomsday (2008) – A horrible but enjoyable mixture of horribleness.
3- Freddy Got Fingered (2001) This is what happens when most of your friends are immature boys in High School. I could seriously make a list of “movies I liked in high school that embarrass me” but here’s the most notable example I guess.
2- Batman and Robin (1997)
1 – Land of The Lost (2009) – A strange sense of love for this movie, it’s random and crazy and weirdly hilarious for a Will Ferrel flick.
Great episode. Here’s my list.
Honorable Mention: Doomsday (2008) – Cannibals dancing to Fine Young Cannibals’s “Good Thing”. Brilliant. Oh, and there’s a badass camera eye prosthetic, some disease in the future that cuts off a big chunk of the UK via giant wall, and a great car combat scene too.
5. Last Action Hero (1993) – I saw this one in the theater when I was a young man. Later, I got it on VHS, and even later purchased it on DVD (although I was sad that there were no extras to be found). Arnold playing Arnold, with an obnoxious, fourth wall breaking kid in tow. The ‘magic ticket’ scene near the beginning scared me into thinking they were going to do something VERY dark with the movie. O__o
4. Split Infinity (1992) – Saw this at a church function. Involves time travel, hay lofts, and wearing your underwear on the outside before it was cool. Money isn’t everything, A.J.
3. The Wizard (1989) – The Power Glove/Super Mario Brothers 3 commercial that lasts over an hour and a half. The kids act more grown-up than the adults… except for when Fred Savage’s character continually whips out money when he really, really shouldn’t. Interesting cast. I challenge you to get 50,000 on Double Dragon. CALIFORNIAAAA!
2. eXistenZ – Let’s play a game… one with organic controllers that plug into our spines via umbilical cords, organic guns that shoot teeth bullets, plot twists aplenty and hey, isn’t that Willem Dafoe? Paranoia is high as everyone wants this technology for their own ambitions.
1. Cannibal!: The Musical – Originally known as Alferd Packer: The Musical, but few people outside of Colorado would get the reference. Alferd is all set and ready to be hanged, but before his sentence is to be carried out, his own version of the grim tale must be told… in song! Dudes go looking for gold in the Colorado Territory, run into all sorts of weirdness, meet trappers and… “Indians”, build a snowman, and consume human flesh. Beware the Cyclops!
The Warriors is a incredibly silly film but is also an amazing film. And I would not call it a bad film.
Also bad Zach… bad ZACH!
My personal top 5 list for once I would have to think about
Though on my top 5 list would have to be
Nemesis. It is a 90’s film and is amazing.
5. Spaced Invaders – 1990
A Halloween kids focused movie to bring in the new decade. I still watch this movie close to once a year as there are so many great memories from the 90’s and such a great group of sarcastic aliens.
4. Point Break – 1991
This movie actually has pretty decent reviews and I love it. However it really isn’t a great movie, the plot requires an insane amount of suspension of disbelief and for the most part the acting is sub-par. Great action flick and one that honestly never should have been remade. Yay for another Lori Petty role!
3. The Monster Squad – 1987
A wonderful homage to all of the classic monster movies. There is a childhood beauty to this film. However the acting is mostly awful and like a lot of 80’s movies there are some really awkward social situations due to much older kids hanging out with younger kids. “Kick him in the nards!”
2. Mars Attacks – 1996
An overly star studded cast that bombed in theaters but for those of us that are fans of any sort of alien invasion film or fans of classic monster movies this movie is a non stop laugh riot. Everyone is intentionally overacting and it is a phenomenal overall experience.
1. The Perfect Host – 2011
I personally love this film and see nothing wrong with this movie but I’m a little weird. This movie breaks all sorts of norms and cinematic expectations. Great plot twists and turns with spectacular character interaction that makes this one of my favorite dark comedy satires.