Well it happened, The Simpsons and Family Guy finally crossed over.
The Griffins end up in Springfield while on a road trip and meet the Simpsons.
Did you watch the episode? Were you shocked by events? Did you laugh yourself until you wet yourself? Or did you hope and pray that by some miracle that the hours spent watching the show would return to you in some way?
Use the comment section below and share your thoughts on this event.
I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, and I was already expecting to enjoy it. It did seem a little more balanced to the FG side of things, but I kinda expected that as it was part of “Family Guy” rather than part of “The Simpsons” or a standalone special. But overall, I thought it worked pretty well.
I got a huge kick out of all the little nods to both series, and the appearances of characters from not only those series but a couple of others. I was also laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe at the car wash bit.
I liked it overall, and found it to be a loving (albeit typically snarky for ‘Family Guy’) tribute to the series that helped to inspire it.
I also liked the cameo appearance of the Judge, a bit which had me rolling.
That was a pretty great cameo.
Better without Family Guy which I never really liked. I’ve always blamed (overrated) McFarlane for Futuramas cancellation. The Cleveland show was the best of the bunch.