Rocket Raccoon, the soon to be favorite character of children around the world after the Guardians of the Galaxy movie comes out, also has his own book. What kind of wacky fun adventures can this violent fur ball get into? Read the review to find out!
Writer: Skottie Young
Artist: Skottie Young
Letterer: Jeff Eckleberry
Colorist: Jean-Francois Beaulieu
Editor: Sana Amanat
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in Rocket Raccoon: As a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket Raccoon protects…well the galaxy. He’s cocky, violent and apparently a ladies man. This is what happens on his off time.
As far as I remember, I’ve never read a comic with Rocket Raccoon in it. If I have, it certainly didn’t leave a big impression. A little raccoon with giant guns sounds cool but seeing him in the movie trailers made him even cooler. So it was out of curiosity and love of Skottie Young’s artwork that got me to buy this. After reading it, I’ve got to say, I sort of like the little runt.
Taking up the writing chores for what I believe is the first time, Skottie Young tells an entertaining, funny and simple story. Rocket is somewhat of a silly character and Young embraces it while never making Rocket a joke. While taking his girlfriend to a wrestling match (in which Groot is a contender) Rocket is caught on camera and is evidently wanted for murder. Chases and highjacks ensue and Rocket learns he may not be the only one of his kind after all. I had tons of fun reading this as much as I’m sure Young had creating it. Rocket is sort of a dick, a cocky womanizer who cares only about himself but somehow manages to be appealing. The dialogue is quick and quippy and more than once elicited a laugh. It was a nice turn to see a gun slinger like Rocket never fire a shot and instead turn himself in. I won’t spoil it but the persons plotting to kill Mr. Raccoon is funny and will be fun to see play out. Readers like me who haven’t been reading the regular Guardians title will a little confused at moments as there seems to be some tie-in. The issue feels like a twisted cartoon and Young comes close to the line of being downright silly but rarely crosses it. If he can maintain the pace and tone, this could be a pleasurable title.
I’ve always loved Skottie Young’s art and seeing it change over the years has been interesting if not somewhat disappointing. His urban graffiti style is unique but the last few years have seen him only draw babies and children’s stories. It hasn’t been bad but I was wanting to see him break out of that mold and try something new. Turns out, the metamorphosis hasn’t affected his ability to tell a story with adult characters. Rocket Raccoon is a book that plays to Young’s strengths, allowing him to draw silly characters that match the fun, cartoon nature. The art is extremely kinetic and always has energy. Young also uses funny sound effects. A character clicking a detonator with his pinky out makes the sound “pinky out click”. “Mmmm drop” and “Blam Bigidy!” are some other great examples. Of course, with the movie coming out the Guardians all resemble their movie counterparts which is sure to displease some and Young’s style isn’t to everyone’s taste. It’s usually a love or hate opinion but if you love it, then this book won’t disappoint.
I figured I’d have fun with Rocket Raccoon #1 but wasn’t sure how much. In the end it was quite a lot. The dialogue and story are funny and entertaining, the artwork is energetic and wonderfully well done. The book comes close to becoming too silly but will stand if handled right. Like his art, Young’s story won’t appeal to everyone but those looking for an enjoyable introduction to Rocket Raccoon could do a lot worse.
I have a problem with the writers ignoring Rocket’s backstory. Did Halfworld get destroyed at some point that I don’t remember, because they’re talking about Rocket as if he is supposed to be unique, but the last time I remember Halfworld coming up was in the Rocket and Groot sidestory connected with Annihilators. In those, Halfworld was still full of wacky anthropomorphic animals, including Rocket’s ex and his former second in command who are now married to each other.
You’re totally right. Love Young’s writing on this for the most part but the continued lack of attention to his backstory that writers have, Young included, gets annoying.