Image Comic’s Debris portrays an epic hero’s journey through a futuristic Earth. Heavily influenced by the Final Fantasy video game series, Debris looks into humanity’s grim destiny toward a garbage-infested wasteland.
Writer: Kurtis J. Wiebe
Artist: Riley Rossmo
Letterer: Ed Birsson
Colorist: Owen Gieni
Editor: Laura Tavishati
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.50
Previously in Debris: Humanity is on the verge of extinction. Maiden, the last human settlement on Earth, is without a water source after it is destroyed by a Jormungand (a colossal junk serpent). With the demise of her master Calista, Maya, Maiden’s new protector, sets out to find Athabasca, a mythical water source to save her home.
Debris #2 begins with Maya, searching for Athabasca, even though she has no idea where to start or where to go. Maya, who has never verdured outside of Maiden, needs a guide. Luckily (and conveniently) for her, Kessel will be there to help her along the journey. His arrival supplies Maya and the story with a father/mentor figure. However, it feels forced as though Kurtis J. Wiebe is obligated to provide a new character when one may not have been necessary. For example, Maya spends some time going over the events that occurred in the last issue with Kessel. This is filler and does not drive the plot forward for the reader. Still, their conversation hints at Maya’s inexperience. Even though she has the physical attributes to survive the harsh world, Maya is still learning mentally. If Calista is Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kessel would be Yoda. Like Yoda, I think he will challenge Maya in ways her old master could not. Also, his connection with Calista is no secret, which will lead to revelations in later issues. It will be interesting how Maya and Kessel interact going forward.
Besides Kessel, there is not much plot progression in this issue. There are developments in Maya’s personality and background but that’s about it. Only a few of the questions set forth in the first issue are answered. I also notice some plot holes. Maiden, the last piece of human civilization, cannot survive without a water source. Kessel has been living outside the settlement for several years. So wouldn’t Maya ask him where he has been getting water, much less electricity?
As with the first issue of Debris, the junk monster designs are very imaginative. These creatures that lurk in this garbage-wilderness come out of an unnatural technological nightmare. I wish they would do more per issue. The action-sequences are also done well. Riley Rossmo could spend the entire issue drawing fights between junk monsters and Maya and I would not mind it at all. However, there is a slight deterioration in the art in this issue. The proportions for some of the characters are hard to visualize. For instance, I do not know if Kessel is taller, shorter or the same height as Maya. Even though there are a few tarnishes, overall, the art is a masterpiece.
There is a great deal of potential with the Debris series. The comic art and battle sequences have been up to par so far but the plot is becoming linear and predictable. Up until the end, there are very few surprises and plot twists. This issue is an decent read but the story needs to pick up.
Ugh, I hate it when writers introduce characters that really don’t need to be there or are there just to fulfill an archetype. Also besides a few cool battle scenes that I’d like to check out, if this issue is mainly filler and/or a rehashing of events of the previous issue with little progression, I may just skip over it. Not a fan of fluff.
I need something more than potential if I read it.