Monkeybrain Comics continues to push its digital distribution initiative with the second installment of Amelia Cole and the Unknown World. Will the second issue thrill as much as the first? Take the jump to find out!
Writers: Adam P. Knave and D.J. Kirkbride
Artist: Nick Brokenshire
Letterer: Rachel Deering
Publisher: Monkeybrain Comics
Cover Price: $1.99 (digital only)
Previously in Amelia Cole and the Unknown World: Using her magic powers to jump between worlds has consequences – each world is put into danger, and the police of the magic world want to arrest Amelia. Her Aunt Dani died trying to protect her, but ultimately Ameilia was forced to go through another portal to a world she had never seen before… an unknown world…
What I like about this new world Amelia finds herself in is that magic exists, and so does technology. While this seems like a perfect combo for the hero character, her first magic spell seems to be over powered, and the reader is lead to believe the young spell caster may be more powerful than anyone else in this world. But being an all powerful magician in a world where you don’t have any money or friends is going to be problematic. And if you don’t understand the rules and laws of the world, you are going to attract the attention of a lot of people.
Turns out in this third world, some people have magic, and some people do not, and using your magic in an unauthorized way will attract the attention of the police and what appears to be a local superhero type spooky dude. Adam P. Knave and D.J. Kirkbride continue to push Amelia as someone who is a relatively nice person, but doesn’t like it when people tell her what to do. Before you know it Amelia has fought and defeated a police officer, had her wand broken by the cloaked mystery man, demonstrated she can use magic without a wand, and escaped the custody of the law. For those who like magic fighting, the way this skirmish goes down has the spectacular flair of a wizard duel from a Harry Potter movie.
The only thing I don’t like about this book is how Amelia is portrayed. I can understand not liking others telling you what to do, but the writers bounce the main character back and forth from nice girl to royal pain, that I find it hard to really like her as a character. Her actions are very much like the new superhero appearing on the scene only to fight it out with the people the hero is trying to help. It’s a trope I don’t like in superhero books, and it feels very overused here. The superhero nature of Amelia’s situation is further driven home with a helicopter rescue that is right out of 1978’s Superman.
Nick Brokenshire brings a pleasing look to the world of Amelia Cole. There are times that the detail in Mr. Brokenshire’s panel distract me (in a good way) from the story so I can spend time really delving into this magical world. While the details initially don’t appear to be giving away any clues, there are a few interesting moments in panel that make me wonder if there is something bigger going on in the world than we are made aware. For example, when Amelia is in a deli trying to get some food, there is a shot of the sandwich maker looking directly at the reader as if he is breaking the fourth wall wonder why you are looking back at him. Of course it could just be a reaction shot over Amelia’s comment on using a debit card in world that doesn’t know what a debit card is, but it was rather jarring.
Ultimately there is something about Amelia Cole and her story that is attractive. Though there are some problem moments in the way the story is unfolding, I still want to know what happens next. That desire to find out what is going on pushes this issue into the very positive column, as it has me ready to read the next issue in the series. The art is wonderfully done, and full of detail, and if you are looking for a digital comic that includes magic with a superhero twist and a conspiracy feel, Amelia Cole and the Unknown World #3 is worth checking out, earning 3 out of 5 Stars.