RED 2, a sequel based on the 2010 DC Comics miniseries by Warren Ellis and Cully Hammer, is moving toward production, and it looks like Summit Entertainment may have landed Anthony Hopkins to play the big bad.
According to Heat Vision, Hopkins is up for the part of Edward Baily, a “genius scientist who was committed to an insane asylum.”
Returning to their roles are Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Mary Louise Parker and Helen Mirren. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Byung Hun Lee will join the cast as well.
The big problem facing Summit right now is getting everyone’s scheduled nailed down, as Hopkins is already scheduled to appear in Thor 2, so if calendars don’t align, don’t expect to see the actor appear in the assassin sequel.
RED 2 is scheduled to arrive in theaters on August 02, 2013.
1 Comment
really???? August 2012? this year? That seems alittle fast if they are still filming the movie.