The fan designed set hit the required 10,000 supporters mark on the Lego Cuusoo website, but failed to get the final nod from the Lego executives. Read their official remarks after the jump.
LEGO CUUSOO gives the opportunity to submit product ideas, however all LEGO products, regardless of age target, must be content appropriate for our core audience. With this in mind we have decided that – good though the model is – the film Shaun of the Dead contains content that is not appropriate for our core target audience of children ages 6-11.
We appreciate the passion exhibited for new product ideas on LEGO CUUSOO. Opening ourselves to new product suggestions invites popular ideas that don’t always fit our brand. This is the first time we’ve felt that we should turn a LEGO CUUSOO idea down, but we’re grateful for the spirit behind projects like the Winchester and for the opportunity to be challenged. It keeps us sharp and looking toward the future of the LEGO brick.
Well there you have it. Winchester designer Yatkuu made a beautiful set; yet, it simply doesn’t fall into Lego’s target age range. I’m disappointed that the set won’t be produced, but I understand that they are a “kids” toy company and not a grown-up-kids-who-still-want-to-have-fun company. So while we all mourn this decision let’s go grab a pint, turn the jukebox to Queen, and debate whether or not dogs can look up.
Aww, that really stinks. I’d have loved to add this to my LEGO collection.
However, considering I have quite a collection of LEGO bits built up, I’d love to see an “unofficial” step-by-step guide to building one of these myself at home. I may not have the specially painted figures, but I bet I’ve got close enough or, if I really wanted, could bribe my friend who makes customs to paint them.
Hey it’s their call. I personally have never had the desire to buy any LEGO’s and it looks like that won’t be changing. That is the way they want it since they only want kids 6-11 buying their stuff. The money comes from the adults so I don’t get why they wouldn’t want to open their market so they can buy some for themselves instead of just as kids presents. Specially since they spent so much time of theirs and their fans developing this idea that the consumers wanted. Oh well…honestly I don’t care if they were to disappear from the market all together. I know that isn’t going to happen. Not from just this but you never know, some specialty shops close spectacularly.