In this issue: When does borrowing and idea or concept push the boundary of plagiarism, and do we really care?
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that’s the first reference I’ve ever heard anyone make to King’s “Umney’s Last Case”;
brilliant tale that I too trot out once a year and am amazed every time I read it.
that’s the first reference I’ve ever heard anyone make to King’s “Umney’s Last Case”.
Yep, it’s a great tale. I’m actually a huge fan of King’s short-story work, and that book is my second favorite (after Night Shift, particularly “I Know What You Need” and “The Last Rung On The Ladder.”) It’s even cooler if you hear Umney’s voice (as I do) as Nick Danger from the Firesign Theatre.
Thanks Matthew for the Condorman call. That was my favorite movie as a kid.
Don’t know if anyone is still following this comments section but what the heck.
Just listening to the podcast now, and I wanted to say that I thought John Carter was Disney attempting to kick off another Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. The Prince of Persia made me feel very much the same way. I have yet to see their Three Musketeers reboot, but I’m expecting the same tone and delivery.
What set them apart is people go to the theater to see a smashed Johnny Depp.