This summer the two biggest comic publishers are betting the bank that their movie is going to be the big money earner. That of course means people will have to go to the movie theater to see the films, which brings us to the Major Spoilers Poll of the Week!
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I am looking forward to both, but I am looking forward to the Avengers more. Of course I’ve always liked the Avengers a bit more than Batman.
Of the two, I’m looking forward to Avengers. Second place is Prometheus.
While The Dark Knight was a good movie, I had more fun with the Iron Man and Thor movies. I expect that will carry throught to Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers. Avengers looks like a good time.
I’ve always been a DC guy, and as such Nolan’s Batman series has me incredibly excited. And while I am looking forward to Avengers, Batman is the main one for me. Followed by Prometheus.
I actually did a similar poll in December on my FaceBook ( and the top three 2012 movies were Dark Knight, The Hobbit and Prometheus. Avengers didn’t get ANY votes.
I’ve been looking forward to the Avengers movie since I started reading the Avengers comic back in the seventies. Every trailer that comes out has been better than the last. I’m really ho-hum about Dark Knight Rises.
I’m looking forward to Avengers more, but I expect Dark Knight Rises to be a better movie.
I do not doubt that Batman is the better movie. But we have never seen an Avengers movie, and it looks great!
I am looking forward to both of them and I really want to see both in the theater, but I am more excited to see how Nolan finishes off his Batman trilogy.
I am looking forward to the new Superman movie. I wonder how they will treat General Zod in this movie.
As stellar as job as Nolan has done on the Batman films, I have to give it to the Avengers by just a razor’s edge. The Avengers film is five films in the making. Plus I think this is the first superhero team movie to use several characters established in their own solo films first. So I think it will be interesting either way to see how it works . . . or how it doesn’t work.
Batman = sequel. Avengers? Well…kinda, but not really. Avengers gets my vote.
I voted other. I’m looking forward to both movies for completely different reasons, so it is hard to decide which I’m looking forward to more. They can both be labelled as Comic Book Action Movies, but that is where the similarities end.
Avengers is going to be filled with snark, one-liners, and explosions for the sake of explosions. Joss Whedon (Yeah, I’m a fan Rodrigo) has yet to really let me down, and the trailers for this movie look like it is going to be a fun ride.
The Dark Knight Rises is going to be gritty, dark, story-driven, and (hopefully) intense. Nolan, like Whedon, has yet to disappoint, and after The Dark Knight I’m really looking forward to the conclusion of the trilogy.
Avengers, while I do trust Nolan part of me thinks he went with the wrong villain for his cinematic style.
Also Joss Whedon never disappoints, he’s dialogues are gold and he knows how to include action into a movie without it taken over the whole pic (unlike a certain someone, let’s call him Shmichael Flay)
I think you meant Bichael May.
Him too :)
I’m looking forwards to Avengers as an event, Dark Knight Rises as a film, and hoping Dark Knight Rises does better on all fronts (assuming it’s great) simply because of what it means for future comic book films… that is, if DK is the template, then merchandising, spoilers, etc. take a backseat to the specific vision of a director, a film can reach audiences while still servicing the fanbase. Avengers, despite the exciting crossover element, seems very much straight forwards Summer blockbuster fare… meaning studios won’t “learn” anything from a successful Avengers movies (except that heroes are bankable?) like they would from a killer Rises box office.
Whatever my criticisms, I fully intend to enjoy them all.
I will see both, but I am most looking forward to Dark Knight Rises. It will be a better quality film that stimulates my brain on various intellectual levels. The Avengers will merely entertain me which is fine, but lots of movies can achieve that goal, so I don’t look forward to those ones as much as the rare gems that make me question and ponder the themes of the film in that intellectual way.
Good grief it’s like Sophie’s choice!!!
But probably avengers
I’m geeked for both. I don’t even care for The Avengers, but I’m really curious as to how a movie incarnation of esentially a crossover event will work. Thay said, I voted for Dark Knight. Not only do I have a raging man-crush on Bats, but these Nolan films have blurred the line between popcorn summer fare and true cinema. As this will be the last of his vision of this world July can’t come soon enough, I have my midnight IMAX tickets already and have a baby sitter all lined up. Matalo Matalo gentelmen, Matalo Matalo!!
I’ve liked all the Marvel movies so far, but I’ve really like the new Batman movies, too. Maybe its because of the great contrast between what Nolan had done and all the cr@p they’ve passed off as Batman movies in the past. If I have to pick only one, it would be Dark Night.
I’m geeked for both. I don’t even care for The Avengers, but I’m really curious as to how a movie incarnation of essentially a crossover event will work. That said, I voted for Dark Knight. Not only do I have a raging man-crush on Bats, but these Nolan films have blurred the line between popcorn summer fare and true cinema. As this will be the last of his vision of this world July can’t come soon enough, I have my midnight IMAX tickets already and have a baby sitter all lined up. Matalo Matalo gentelmen, Matalo Matalo!!
I’m looking more forward to the Avengers because I’ve already seen two Batman movies and sorta of know what to expect.
Resident Evil: Retribution (which will be released before the autumn equinox and thus technically still in summer)
As much as I am looking forward to seeing both The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises, if I had to choose just one movie to see this summer it would be The Amazing Spider-Man.
Amazing Spider-man
Avengers. Only because HULK SMASH!
I’m more looking forward to the Avengers, but Dark Knight Rises definitely got the better poster.
I’ll go with Avengers, just to see if they actually include Ant-Man as a side-gag.