Supergirl finds herself inside an unknown space station, trapped by Mr. Tycho, a man who wants to discover all he can about her. While learning about her powers and fighting her way out, Kara shows us a glimpse into what she is really capable of.
Writers: Michael Green, Michael F. Johnson
Artist: Mahmud A. Asrar
Colorist: Dave McCaig
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $2.99
Previously in Supergirl: Crash landed on a new and unfamiliar planet, Kara is lost and confused. She is immediately attacked, and learns she has extraordinary powers. She is then met by a man who claims to be Kal El, her cousin from Krypton, who she tosses aside as a lie. Then her real enemy appears – Mr. Tycho, a brilliant, rich man who wants to learn all he can about Kara at any cost necessary.
We slowly discover the story of Supergirl through beautiful art, and action filled panels. I really enjoy the direction the story is going. The villain, Mr. Tycho, is very Lex Luthor like. Rich, charismatic, and yet you love to hate him. The match up of physical power between him and Kara I felt was a great way to introduce her powers, old and new. Mr. Tycho continuously throws his strongest, most powerful inventions at her and we get to see her overcome these obstacles. Not just physically, but the writers, Michael Green and Michael F. Johnson, give you a glimpse inside her thoughts. It’s a great way to not only learn about the physical capabilities of Kara, but we begin to learn about who she really is.
One of the most powerful moments in this issue is when Supergirl’s rescuer, one of Mr. Tycho’s soldiers named Jacobs, is shot for freeing Kara. This moment reveals a lot about Kara and who she is. You see her heart; you see her sorrow for a human she knows nothing about. This moment then takes Kara from being scared and lost, to fully embracing her powers. From here we see her continue to believe in herself more and trust her powers. It’s really exciting to see her begin to be comfortable with her powers, not so lost and unsure of herself.
Being a huge Supergirl fan, I was very worried about this reboot. I’ve read the comics religiously, and this issue has really eased my worries. I love that Michael Green and Michael F. Johnson are allowing her to not just be a big hitting superpower. There is so much more depth to Kara, and within this issue you begin to see a glimpse of it. I would highly recommend this story arch as a must read, with great potential to only get better as the story continues.
I can’t wait to see more of her new powers in action. An at first I thought of Mr Tycho as a Lex Luthor rip off but now I find the character more interesting. Loving the series so far.
Thanks for the update and I agree with you
Supergirl is running strong, and still on my pull list, that’s for sure. Great review, Thanks!