This week on the show: Haute couture and the Man of Steel, Teen Titans gets openly gay superhero, the Age of Apocalypse is discussed – but probably not in the way you want us to tell you about it, and REVIEWS!
[podcast][/podcast]Show Notes after the Jump!
Teen Titans get open gay teammate
Amazing Spider-Man #669
Writer: Dan Slott
Penciller (cover): Humberto Ramos
Inker: Carlos Cuevas
Colorist: Edgar Delgado
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Editor: Stephen Wacker
The Story: SPIDER-ISLAND PART THREE How can the heroes of NYC hope to contain millions of spider-powered New Yorkers? Also, a dangerous new role for Venom. And… is that a Six-armed Shocker?! All this plus: one of Spider-Island’s biggest mysteries revealed!
Buried in a demonologist’s basement is a deep, dark family secret, where horrific occult practices prove to be life threatening for Abe Sapien.
32 pages FC • $3.99 • Mature
Written by GARTH ENNIS
Art and cover by DARICK ROBERTSON
The love of a good woman turns Billy Butcher’s life around in the nick of time. Smart decision follows smart decision, new horizons open up, friends and family come together to celebrate newfound joy. Life was never sweeter- and will never get this good again.
It’s been a while since we’ve had a costume controversy poll, so let’s have one now. While Superman #1 doesn’t arrive until next week, we have seen the new costume in action in the pages of Justice League #1. Now that you have had time to see the costume in action, do you like the new look, or do you prefer Superman to wear his skivvies on the outside?
[poll id=”201″]
Age of Apocalypse (BOOK 1)
Writers: Many
Artists: Even More
It begins here! The critically acclaimed, fan-favorite storyline that rocked the X-Men Universe to its core is collected across four volumes! In a cracked-mirror world ruled by the genocidal mutant despot Apocalypse, only one hope remains: Magneto and his Astonishing X-Men! The first in a four volume series collecting the entire Age of Apocalypse storyline.
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So who has a good Age of Apocalypse read list that separates the wheat from the chaff?
The above question was not meant to sound ironic… :)
So I see there are four trade paper backs of the Age of Apocalypse Epic. Is it just as simple as reading 2-4 first? Then 1 if I just can’t get enough?
It originally started with Alpha, hit the individual series, going a little ways each, then wrapped with Omega. Once you’re through LegionQuest, that’s the proper order.
Coolest black hero ever was the original Spawn!
PS: Matthew haven’t been this annoying under Rodrigos review since DRAGONSTORM!!!!!
Meh I’am too Meh to Explain why Meh is so much Meh
“Teen Titans get open gay teammate” Is it Ace or Gary from the The Ambiguously Gay Duo?(sarcasm)….
Just wanted to make a comment about the Superman changes in relation to the lawsuit (and I am a lawyer)…
Re: Costume; changing the briefs is unlikely to allow you to escape copyright infringement. In broad strokes, the test for infringement is “substantial similarity” and then there are a number of alternative, sub-tests, and subject matter variations, but a few of the big ones are: 1. “Total Concept & Feel”; 2. “Ordinary Observer”; or 3. “Extrinsic / Intrinsic”… 1. Ignores specific individual differences and looks at the overall picture for infringement; 2. Asks a reasonable or lay person whether copying likely look place; 3. A two part test first looking a objective similarities then a second test that mirrors #2. The point is, the modifications to Superman in the New 52 are not likely to be enough to clear that hurdle… another way to imagine it is if Marvel did the exact same thing, would you expect it to fly? The whole thing is further complicated by the fact that DC is / was co-owners with the heirs with respect to the original and derivatives… if you look at the Gaiman / Spawn case, you have a weird case of Medieval Spawn being a derivative of Spawn who belongs to MacFarlane, but nonetheless Dark Ages Spawn being an infringing copy of the co-owned Medieval Spawn…
re: Movie; The changes in the movie costume could not possibly be an effort to distance Superman from the lawsuit / heirs because the very reason the WB has to make a movie is BECAUSE of the lawsuits. This one does not tie directly to who owns the rights per se, but the heirs claimed that DC licensed the rights to the WB too cheaply, meaning the heirs get too little as co-owners; the court disagreed the fee was too low PROVIDED the licensing contract was amended to force the WB to actually USE the license. So since ownership is forcing them to MAKE the movie, it wouldn’t make any sense to say the movie ISN’T the licensed / owned / contended property… you follow? The WB must firmly declare this to be the same Superman to clear their licensing obligations.
re: Lawsuit in general; While there was a decision declaring some elements of Action #1 as belonging to the heirs and others belonging to DC, it should be noted that this was an intermediary decision by a judge who was intentionally splitting the baby to force the two parties to go to the settlement table (we know this because the judge has stepped down from the case / bench and commented on his ruling subsequently)… his ruling is not typically how such cases are handled and will not stand as BOTH parties have appealed the decision (the heirs believe they are entitled to more and DC believe less, of course). The higher court is unlikely to enforce such a piecemeal ruling because calculating damages would be nearly impossible (how can you measure how much of Action #1 is in any given issue MINUS DC’s remaining rights in the copyright, the Trademark, and the international copyright?). The point is that there is a lot of game yet to play so basing creative decisions in a lawsuit that won’t be resolved for potentially decades wouldn’t be prudent.
Matthew’s reminiscence of the New Guardians (and Extrano, in particular), reminded me of when I read “Millenium” back when I was 15 (“I have the original issues”). There was something that felt very processed about the New Guardians to me back then and, re-reading their origin at age 38 (sweet_merciful_crap), I realize that this is the first story that made me think a bunch of writers and editors sat down and said “We’re getting a lot of flank to have more diverse characters. We’ll show them.” And then they did it in the most blantantly flat way possible (the “FABULOUS” gay character, the chinese hero with access to “Dragon Lines,” the Computer-advanced Japanese hero, etc).
Interestingly, looking back at those issues right now, I can’t help but think that Hank Azaria must have modeled his character from “The Birdcage” on Extrano, because I as read some of the dialogue from “Millenium” that is EXACTLY who I hear.
Just a thought about the new Superman costume. A lot of people are making an issue out of the fact that Superman wouldn’t need a costume made out of armour plating. Its worth mentioning that maybe the armour isn’t there to be functional, but because he thinks it looks cooler than spandex. I can say with a pretty high level of confidence that if I would go with something that wasn’t as form fitting whether I need it or not.