If you pay close attention to words, you often find surprises buried deep in the jibber-jabbering of public relations releases. Of course that means you actually need to read to the end of the jibber-jabber…
DC quietly announced that Batman Beyond will indeed return to store shelves in 2012, presumably (though not confirmed) with Adam Beechen, Chris Batista, and Rich Perotta telling tales of Batman in the fututre.
To be honest, Batman Beyond, Justice League Beyond, and Superman Beyond were titles that I actually expected to stick around following the relaunch as they really don’t tie into DCnU continuity directly, and in Superman Beyond #0’s case, barely getting in the spotlight before the change.
While Batman Beyond is the only book officially announced at this point, I do expect to see more Superman Beyond and Justice League Beyond books on the way in 2012 as well.
I personally think this is awesome. I always loved the TV series and the return of the comic book is certainly welcome.
Thank goodness. I was worried about this and reading this definitely produced a sigh of relief.