Here’s a better video of Grant Morrison’s address to the attendees at the Hero Complex Film Festival that occurred this past weekend in Los Angeles. Here, Morrison talks about Superman and what he wants to do with the series.
It’s interesting that Morrison says “join us on this ridiculous voyage into the unknown.”
Okay, he’s British, and “ridiculous” & “mad” almost mean the same thing in his slang.
As we say in the States, “Man, are you crazy?”… just before someone does something really stupid, or eventually heroic!
Sounds like he’s got his heart and mind into it.
I’ll give him some space to see what’s up in that giant attic of his.
If he can’t do it, nobody can.
(There better be a lot of ACTION!)
Hey, i’m british.. and “Ridiculous” does not at all mean the same thing as “mad” in our slang….
“Mad” means: a little bit weird and unexpected (but still feasible)
“Ridiculous” means: something that makes no sense and is completely unrealistic
Based on Grant Morrison’s recent work.. i’d say “ridiculous” is exactly what he meant – this isn’t a “lost in translation” type of thing – his version of action comics is going to be completely insane nonsense (but in fairness, thats how the original superman comics were!)
I think DC missed the boat on this reboot. I hate to dispute with a genius like Morrisson, but here’s what I think they should have done:
Let this ridiculous Flashpoint thing destroy the universe or whatever.
Then, let all the books start at 1, going on their merry “young and hip” way, without KILLING all the fun characters and the legacy characters and…
Adding a new weekly called “Origins”, akin to 52, which tells the new origin of the DCU, with all the characters in pre-costume status in the modern world. If they’re going to really clear the deck, they should clear it all and tell us how it happens in the modern world. There are a million ways to make the characters new and relevant.
Then, let all the books start at 1, going on their merry “young and hip” way, without KILLING all the fun characters and the legacy characters and…
Wait… You just said they killed everybody. I’m confused.
Can’t help but trust Grant Morrison, Ok you crazy Scottish person I’m in (for Action Comics at least)!
Well, I’m of the completely-opposite opinion… I can’t help but NOT trust g-mo.. 7 Soldiers was “mad” and kinda impenetrable. Final Crisis was “mad” and your mileage will vary. Batman R.I.P. was “mad’ and pretty much the low-light of his run on Batman so far, in my ever-humble opinion. Etc, etc, etc. I actually like the idea of “International League of Batmen”, but “1-out-of-however many shots he’s had” is not something I’m going to leap into with expectations of awesomeness. :) This is, naturally, just my opinion. I wanted to offer an alternative viewpoint, and I hope the book actually DOES turn out to be good (because that will, to me, indicate he’s learned how to play well with other people’s characters).
Three words: All-Star Superman
I’m aboard.