If you make a Superman movie, does it have to take all of the other Superman films into account? Zack Snyder doesn’t think so, and as he told Hero Complex, it looks like the new Superman movie will be a reboot.
“Literally, the one thing that everyone can start to think about is that we’re making a movie that finally goes with the approach that there’s been no other Superman movies. If you look at ‘Batman Begins,’ there’s that structure, there’s the canon that we know about and respect but on otherhand there’s this approach that pre-supposes that there haven’t been any other movies. In every aspect of design and of story, the whole thing is very much from that perspective of respect the canon but don’t be a slave to the movies.”
Henry Cavill is playing Superman, with Diane Lane cast as Martha Kent. Kevin Costner has been reported as signing, but no big announcements have been made. I like the idea that we should go into this new movie without the baggage of all the other films, television series, animated shows, and what not getting in the way. On the other hand, we’ve all heard Kevin Smith tell the tale of the last time someone wanted to re-design Superman.
Huge news. In Snyder and Nolan I trust.
As long as we take away Superman’s powers and have him fight a giant spider in the end I will be happy.
Just don’t give us an origin movie.
If there’s one thing everybody knows, it’s Superman. Just don’t give us the origin.
I’m totally fine with the origin as long as they do it like the 2008 Incredible Hulk movie and do like 95% of the origin in the opening credits.
This does not bode well.
I don’t mind the idea of a reboot, but I hope they don’t throw away the original theme music. That would be highly disappointing. I have to say, I don’t think a reboot is needed, just a new direction. They could manage to stay in continuity, they would just need to not focus on the previous elements. I really don’t like the idea of Superman being a deadbeat dad, but they could just choose to not acknowledge that fact. And for cryin’ out loud have him actually fight somebody in this one!
I think ignoring the fact that he has a superbaby might as well be a reboot.
If you MUST show the origin, just do it the way Morrison did it, and move on. Honestly my grandparents know how it goes. Just give the film a nice pace, some shout outs for us nerds, and for me personally give a hint towards Brainiac.
It’s definitely a reboot and thank god for that after the horrible emo stalker from Superman Returns.
chances of the two hour movie having a 45 minute origin sequence? 100% sigh….
Prepare to be wrong. Snyder knows that the world already understand Superman.
Doesn’t have to be in continuity. Doesn’t have to be an origin story. Just talk about Superman’s start in Metropolis: with maybe a couple of flashbacks or one to two visits to Smallville.