If you need any more information about Flashpoint and Zoom’s role in it, these two teaser images should give you a clue.
Anyone want to start placing bets now on if this will be contained in the Flash title only, of if Johns will get everyone else at DC to turn this into a universe changing event that reboots the DC Universe?
Dang, I was hoping that my Vanishing Point + Flash = Falshpoint theory was going to turn out to be true…
Wonder Woman Oddysey, Batman Inc., Superman grounded and now this. Are all main heroes of the DCU going through temporay changes to re-define themselves or something?
It is the start of a whole new decade… so, YES!
I don’t care so hard it hurts.
It kinda looks to me like some speedster goes baaaack in time and changes things. So we get to see MORE alternate versions of our favorite sueprheroes. Thus, Wayne’ll work at a casino in the new universe, wonder woman an angry warrior(angriER?), Superman a crazy top secret government secret?
Something like that.
Stupid time travel.
And the flashpoint will be that one point where all the changes were made and where the big fighty-fighty’ll happen.
I am not going to even bother with this, not worth my time or money.
And we’ll be treated to the extremely lackluster art of Andy Kubert.
All this and a White Lantern ring, too…
The artwork on the “preview” is awful! Kubert isn’t any better.
Is that Obsidian? Why can’t they just let him be a hero???