Columbia Pictures has announced Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance will arrive in theaters on February 17, 2012. Nic Cage is returning as the motorcycle riding ghoul, and is directed by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor. While you may not think the movie was a huge success it did bring Sony $228.7 million from worldwide ticket sales.
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Stephen Schleicher
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
Ghost Rider still has a lot of potential if they provide us with better acting and directing. I’m still not feeling Cage as Johnny Blaze but I’ll look forward to the new release.
I think the character can find its own following with fans and be successful *IF* it was done right. An example of being “done right” is not the last movie.
I don’t know what people are on about with the last movie, I really liked it and it captured a lot of what ghost rider is about for me. The character needs to be developed further in the next movie but from what Cage has said that’s exactly what will happen. Colour me intrested.
My problem with the first was all the polish. It needs more grit.
Well the second will apparently be more gritty. according to cage: “He’s not eating jelly beans anymore; he’s getting drunk”
I’m in the minority on this. I liked the first movie as it followed the first version of the “Johnny Blaze” character’s story pretty well. And I’m a huge Sam Elliott mark as well. I’d have been happy if the second movie had been a western about the Slade version of the Ghost Rider.
I think I’d have liked the first movie a hundred times more (if it wasn’t Nic Cage) if toward the end when they had that bad ass scene of Johnny Blaze and Sam Elliot riding across the desert to the old ghost town if instead of Sam being like “Whelp, that’s all the energy I’ve got” and heading off on his own if he’d have busted in with Johnny and kicked some major ass doing a little buddy cop back-to-back shooting and general bad-assery. That would have been great. I’m really not a fan of Nicolas Cage in any capacity, I’ve enjoyed some of his movies, but just like Keanu I’ve liked some movies but nearly every role would have been better if someone else was in them (except for Bill and Ted, credit where credit is due). I own Ghost Rider and I didn’t think it was the worst movie ever, I own Catwoman so I’ll still see and/or own comic book movies regardless (I want to support my niche market). And who knows, even if I think the sequel might not be great, there could still be that “Yoda whips the lightsaber out and fights Dooku” moment that makes it all worth while. By that I mean, horrible set of prequels highlighted by a few sweet moments. That and this is just a possibility, say a bunch of people go and see whatever new comic movie is coming out and give it some really good numbers and even if it wasn’t all that great, maybe just maybe a sequel or even just another comic movie that same studio is bringing out might get people to spend more money making it and really take it seriously and devote more time in making sure the plot and story is there and the visual effects are up to par (I’m looking at you Wolverine: Origins). And I will definitely take one okay movie if it means that the studio decides that it did enough business to warrant them making an Iron Fist or Space Ghost movie (you know what I’m saying).