DC Comics has announced it will be giving Static his own ongoing series (again) starting in 2011. Felicia Henderson will take on the writing duties.
“When I met Dan DiDio, the first character we ever discussed was Static. Writing Teen Titans gave me an opportunity to play with this character a little. Now he’s getting his own book and I’m writing it! I’m a big Dwayne McDuffie’s fan, so it’s a privilege to reimagine the coming-of-age of a character he created. If not for the big bang, Static would be a regular, awkward, teenage guy trying to find himself — chasing girls, playing video games, downloading underground mixes of his favorite music. Instead, he has no time to find himself because the call of the superhero has found him. It’s a comic book writing dream for me.”
I’m on board, what about you?
I hope they put him in gotham, kidding.
Static is a good character. this is a good thing.
don’t care for Henderson’s writing so I’ll pass
Static, yes. Felicia Henderson, HELL NO!
I mean, I actually physically yelled “No” into the empty room when I saw who was writing this series. Don’t get me wrong: I’d LOVE to see an ongoing Static series again, but I hate Felicia Henderson’s writing voice. It’s had me tempted to outright drop the Teen Titans when so many other factors couldn’t, and I don’t see her doing Static on his own any better.
Someone call Dwayne McDuffie. :<
My sentiments EXACTLY.
Seconded. I’m half convinced DC wants this to fail if they’re giving it to her rather than THE MAN WHO CREATED STATIC.
As long as it’s not Krul, Wallace, or their love child I’m okay with it.
It’s time for static to update his look. Like all the hubub around the WW redesign, the jacket is to 90’s. And characters like Static and Web that wear useless goggles on their heads just look silly to me.
With Henderson writing, it’s already got one foot in the grave. It’s like DC wants it to fail.
I’ll give it a chance … people said the same about Adam Beechan writing Batman Beyond and his first issue was fantastic. I think that there is a writer for every project. I’ve been surprised before. Perhaps I will be this time.