It certainly is a day of Batman announcements from DC. Previously, we reported on the new ongoing Batman: The Dark Knight series, and now we learn the Bat-Family of titles is going to expand with a six issue series focused on the Knight and Squire. The mini-series will be written by Paul Cornell with art by Jimmy Broxton.
“I’m delighted to be working in DC Britain!” said Cornell. “Grant always said that he added something to the Knight and Squire’s world with every appearance: we’ll be taking that policy, and the amount of over the top weird and wonderful zany surreal Britishness and dialling them up to eleven. If you’ve wanted to see a milkman fighting a dinosaur in a suit, in a pub, then this is the comic for you.”
The Source doesn’t say when the series will launch, but my guess is sometime around the end of the year.
I’m there.
Now this is one that I don’t mind. Knight and Squire have just the right amount of dry British humor potential to liven up the usually staid “Bat-Family”. Add to that (as best I can recall) the current Knight is actually the first Squire then the move from side-kick to hero was already breached by that character, making him fairly compatible with Bruce Greyson/Batman. Looks like it has the potential to be fun, as opposed to the “Batman: The Dark Knight”/X-Files/The NightStalker series.
Nope. Even less interested in this than any of the other Bat Titles. I go back and forth on reading batman so much this one’s not even worth it.
Are you kidding me? Paul Cornell writing Knight & Squire is about as perfect as, well Cornell writing Pete Wisdom and Captain Britain. (Marvel’s Loss) I will buy this with a goofy old “kid at a spinner rack” smile. Great move DC, just make it an ongoing now and get it over with.
Paul Cornell is one of the few writers that I’ll buy anything written from them (Hickman and Fraction being the other 2.) I’m there.
I read your comment and totally thought you were talking about another British comic title there, “HickMAN and Fraction”. Now that I think about it, it could be a good title if one character was a dumb redneck superhero and his overly smart sidekick.
Gag me with a batarang. Ugh! I think with Cornell, I would be interested in this if it was not for the 300+ Batman titles that are/will be out.
Batman should have more titles than any other line. He’s that damn popular. They really need to come out with New Batman, Secret Batman, and Young Batman next.
Don’t forget Batman Academy.
YES! And where’s my El Gaucho!?