This week on the Major Spoilers Podcast, the Major Spoilers Crew take a look at Matt Fraction and Steven Sanders’ Five Fists of Science!
True story: in 1899, Mark Twain and Nikola Tesla decided to end war forever. With Twain’s connections and Tesla’s inventions, they went into business selling world peace. So, what happened? Only now can the tale be told – in which Twain and Tesla collided with Edison and Morgan, an evil science cabal merging the Black Arts and the Industrial Age. Turn of the century New York City sets the stage for a titanic battle over the very fate of mankind.
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Not to be a downer on what could potentially be a good story or anything but, if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather continue crying for justice (JUSTICE!) than crying for science.
I was impressed by Fraction’s ability to create rounded characters for Tesla, Twain, Edison, Morgan in not a lot of pages. The story/plotting seemed a little rushed in this age of decompression, but overall an enjoyable story in a setting not often seen in modern comics. I would love to read Fraction authored stories of the world created in this OGN.