As previously reported, Warner Bros. plans on releasing a direct to DVD animated anthology of shorts that cover the time period between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. Each of the six shorts will be done in an anime style with stories provided by six well known writers (Josh Olson, David Goyer, Alan Burnett, Greg Rucka, Jordan Goldberg and Brian Azzarello).
Warner Bros. has now announced that the DVD will hit store shelves July 8, just ten days before the July 18, 2008 release of The Dark Knight in theaters.
The single-disc version of Batman: GothamKnight will have an MSRP of $24.98, while the two-disc Special Edition will go for $29.98 and will include lots of extra features that will also be included in the Blu-ray hi-def edition (MSRP $34.99).The single disc edition will include a documentary on Batman villains as well as commentaries from the filmmakers and a preview of the Wonder Woman direct-to-DVD animated feature.The two-disc edition also includes a documentary on the life and works of Batman creator Bob Kane and a selection of director Bruce Timm’s favorite episodes from Batman: The Animated Series.
Yes, I will be purchasing the Blu-ray edition with all those extra features.