Browsing: Movies

The Amazing Spider-Man has finally arrived in theaters.  The franchise reboot has a new face under the mask, and a new villain to fight, and Sony is hoping fans pack the theater this holiday. Like most teenagers his age, Peter [played by Andrew Garfield] is trying to figure out who he is and how to be the person he is today. In his journey to put the pieces of his past together he uncovers a secret that his father [Campbell Scott] held… a secret that will ultimately shape his destiny as Spider-Man. This is the first in a series of…

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In this issue: Major Spoilers reviews Brave and Legend of Korra. Plus, why does everyone dislike Cars 2 so much? [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Contact us at A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.

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Marvel has made their official announcement of the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and given the appearance of a certain Titanian in another of their movies, I wonder if there might be some tie-in to the rest of the cinematic Marvel Universe.  But, more importantly, there have been quite a few Guardians to choose from since their debut in 1968.  For me, it wouldn’t be a GoTG movie without Groot and Rocket Raccoon (presuming they go with the latest incarnation) or Nikki and Starhawk (if the go with the originals.) The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”), bands together from…

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The makers of Ice Age and Rio are at it again with a new animated film that is miniature in scale but Epic on scope…

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We’ve already reported that Marvel is considering Guardians of the Galaxy for a big screen adaptation, but when Disney said it bought Marvel for it’s galaxy of stars, I doubt many thought the company meant Big Hero 6. Turns out, Disney is interested in the property as an animated film.

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RZA is directing a full on bloodbath in the upcoming The Man with the Iron Fists. No, it isn’t a Marvel flick, but it is a martial arts film, with a number of big names, smashing, bashing, cutting, and bleeding their way to a ton of gold. It’s an eye popping experience (you’ll see what I mean).

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