Browsing: Major Spoilers

In this installment of Critical Hit: Goblins, goblins everywhere, and not a weapon in sight. This episode is sponsored by Fantasy Coin HQ NOTE: You can download this week’s Critical Hit song for FREE at NOTE: Level 14 character sheets are now available at and the Critical Hit Logo T-Shirts are indeed at

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Sometimes, no matter how upbeat you try to be, the day crushes your spirit under a bulldozer blade of annoyance, taking your good mood and smashing it to the pavement to build a carpark.  Yesterday was one of those days, filled with minor irritations and a couple of Murtaugh-level “I’m-Too-Old-For-This-Stuff” fits of rage, leaving me feeling like Mick Foley after the original ‘Hell In A Cell’ match.  (Google it.  It’s brutal.)  Nonetheless, your humble MS-QOTD tries to stay as positive as possible, so today will be better no matter how many people insist on incessantly using the phrase “You People”,…

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Thing We Want to Live to See Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five. Some of us are old, and some of us are not so old (and some of us are down right young’uns… but that doesn’t stop us from thinking about the future, and what we hope we live long enough to see!

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As followers of the Major Spoilers Podcast will tell you, your humble MS-QOTD is still a bit broken up over the events of the final episode of ‘How I Met Your Mother’ earlier in the week.  As finales go, it went far above and beyond the usual scope of “Everybody gets new job and hugs it out” into a higher level of wrapping it up, and the response from the fans has been, to say the least, mixed.  Many internet wags have already dubbed it “The ‘Lost’ of sitcoms”, while others have begun compiling their Top 10 Worst Finales list,…

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Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week on Munchkin Minute, three upcoming Munchkin related projects including an expansion set for Munchkin Legends!

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Recently, it came to my attention that Leonard Nimoy, now 83 years old, is having health issues due to having smoked earlier in life, leaving me shocked at how much the potential loss of the man behind Spock affected me.  The last decade or so has been rough for my pop culture heroes, with George Carlin, Douglas Adams and Dave Cockrum all leaving us far too soon for my tastes.  Not so long ago, the passing of Davy Jones upset me greatly, and the knowledge that the rest of the Monkees are in all their 70s occasionally catches me by…

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While I’m not a big theatre guy, I was entertained (and perhaps confused) to find that classic Troma monster/superhero flick ‘The Toxic Avenger’ has been given the musical treatment.  Sure, Toxie is uniquely suited to busting through genre/media bounds (as you might recall, he even had a kiddie cartoon back in the day), but the knowledge that someone composed a song entitled “Who Will Save New Jersey?” in order to make the adventures of a man in a rubber mask sufficiently operatic soothes my worries about the nature of the universe.  (Absurdity, after all, is a driving force of reality.) …

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