The world no longer has electricity. Luckily, Marvel’s heroes and villains work together to create a new world order. But Apocalypse has other ideas. Read more in Dark Ages #3 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Iban Coello
Colorist: Brian Reber
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 17th, 2021
Previously in Dark Ages: The Unmaker was once sealed inside the earth. When Dr. Strange released an E.M.P. to halt the Unmaker, all electricity was wiped out. Seven years later, the survivors have formed a new world without electricity. However, Apocalypse is the ruler of Europe, and he has abducted Earth’s smartest people to try and revive the Unmaker.
Dark Ages #3 begins with the investigation of Tony Stark’s abduction. The heroes of the Marvel Universe soon realize that Tony Stark was abducted by Apocalypse and Mystique. Dr. Doom and Black Panther try to figure out what is the best course of action and send Quicksilver as a forward scout. However, when Quicksilver sees his father being used to power a machine, he tries and acts but falls into a trap. The Purple Man uses his powers to manipulate Quicksilver and has him return back to the Black Panther. Pietro then attacked everyone and murdered the Human Torch before Jean Grey could shut down his mind.
When Quicksilver awakens, he tells them everything he saw, and our heroes prepare a strike force to take down Apocalypse.
Dark Ages has such an interesting premise that has a lot of stories that could be set up. I found myself dissatisfied with Dark Ages #3 when the comic rehashed old stories. Sue Storm reacts to the death of her brother and the possibility that her husband might still be alive. Luke Cage is interacting with Jessica Jones. Wolverine is tracking Mystique. These are all things that we know and expect from our Marvel comics. Yet there is so much room for something new. We have The Purple Man, Apocalypse, and Doc Ock working together in cool ways. While our heroes have an assortment of different characters, I don’t think they are exploring new alliances as well as they could. I want something new and exciting because the setting is so cool. Don’t give me the old tropes that we already expect from these characters.
Dark Ages #3 has a great premise but fell short this particular issue. Our heroes have the same expectations from the modern continuity which feels like a lost opportunity. However, this is still a decently written comic and I’ll give it a 3.5 out of 5 stars.
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Dark Ages #3 (of 6)
Dark Ages #3 introduces the same themes and tropes you would expect from modern continuity. This is a lost chance to tell new unique stories in an unique setting.