Miles Morales has decided to patrol Red Hook, Brooklyn and finds himself fighting a monster! Luckily Amulet is here to help in Miles Morales: Spider-Man Annual #1 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Saladin Ahmed
Artist: Luca Maresca
Colorist: Fernado Sifuentes of Protobunker
Letter: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Alanna Smith
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 18th, 2021
Previously in Miles Morales: Miles Morales was bitten by a genetically altered spider and gained superpowers. He hid his powers at first, until someone inspired him to make the world better. Then he became Miles Morales: Spider-Man!
Miles Morales: Spider-Man Annual #1 starts with a murder in Red Hook, Brooklyn. This catches the attention of Fadi Fadlalah who becomes Amulet and Miles Morales. Miles arrives first to find a Cyklops and is immediately caught off guard by the monster’s strength and speed. Luckily, Amulet arrives to help and tells Miles to look for an artifact that anchors the monster. While Amulet fights off the Cyklops, Miles finds a doll and slings it for Amulet to destroy with magic, which defeats the monster.
Amulet and Spider-Man have a conversation about the origins of the monsters and Fadi tells the story of the wizard Red Owl who saved Bagdad but was trialed and killed as a witch. In his death, he left a curse for the monsters he imprisoned to escape. As Amulet finishes his story, Miles is kidnapped by a Roc which takes him to a reincarnated Red Owl! Amulet rushes to find Spider-Man and destroys the Roc but Red Owl summons a huge ball of fire. Amulet rushes to shield against the fire, and when the flame clears, Red Owl is nothing but a pile of ash. Both heroes return back to their families and reflect on the day’s events.
This was fun. I haven’t heard of Amulet before Miles Morales: Spider-Man Annual #1 and (after a google search) I found out that he is a new hero introduced in a Ms. Marvel comic. He seems a bit undeveloped by with a lot of potential. On top of that, he is fresh which allows Miles to become a mentor of sorts and who comforted him about the people who died in this issue. This made the issue for me. I loved the sense of camaraderie of two people just trying to do their best with the skills and powers that they have.
Twice this issue shined a light on death. Once with the victim the Cyklops killed and another with Red Owl who killed himself. I wonder if they are setting up a theme for Amulet in the future where he will have to deal with death and this book served as a precedent to whatever happens to these characters in the future. The issue was very fast paced, and this theme did not feel needed in the context of the story. While heroes need to figure out how to handle the guilt of people they couldn’t save, it felt a bit out of place even if it did create endearing moments from both heroes.
Lastly, I really like the visual aesthetic of Amulet and his power. The choice of color and the way he uses his magic is sublime.
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #1 is a fun comic that explores Miles as a mentor and Amulet as a new hero. The comic has a lot of action and has great art. This is a solid 4 out of 5 from me and I’m interested in seeing where Amulet’s next appearance will be.
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Miles Morales: Spider-Man Annual #1
Miles Morales: Spider-Man Annual #1 is a fun issue that shines a light on a relatively new hero named Amulet.