The Avengers were never formed, and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes is the Squadron Supreme of America! Come check out Blur and how he became the World’s Fastest Mortal in Heroes Reborn #3 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Jason Aaron
Artist: Federico Vicentini, Ed McGuinness, and Mark Morales
Colorist: Matt Milla and Matthew Wilson
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: May 19th, 2021
Previously in Heroes Reborn: Blade is the only person who remembers the Avengers and has gone on a mission to form a new team. His first stop was to visit a depowered Thor and then recovered Captain America from the Iceberg. But now we take a look at Blur of the Squadron Supreme of America under President Phil Coulson. How did he join Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?!
Blur runs the fast life. He watches multiple multiverse streams, talks to 14 women at the same time, and runs around saving the world. Blur was the reason why Quicksilver perished and was absorbed into the Scarlet Witch. Renamed the Silver Witch, Wanda has sworn revenge and has taken the soul of Blur. Blur must run to catch up with Silver Witch and regain his astral projection before his body decays. Unfortunately, Silver Witch hexed Blur’s speed and taken away his power. Blur flashbacks to a time where he was taught to slow down and observe the world around him, and he sits down to meditate. He realizes that there is a Wraith Whale and uses that to hunt down the Silver Witch. Wanda is back at Ravencroft and laments that the world is not what it should be.
Blade and Captain America has found Maya Lopez who once was Echo. However, now she has the Phoenix force within her and has taken on the title of Phoenix. After a brief discussion, Maya has agreed to help Blade and Captain America figure out what is going on.
This comic felt all over the place for me. It was hectic which I think is supposed to represent the hectic life of the protagonist. While I appreciate the creative attempt, it was difficult for me to relax and enjoy. It felt discombobulated and it jumped scenes very quickly from one to another. It didn’t give the reader a chance to breath because Blur doesn’t take any breaks. But then he lost his speed, and it could have been a great choice to slow down the pacing of the story to represent the depowered speedster, but it still kept up with that hectic style. I was more interested in Silver Witch because of the premise of the character, not because of the writing.
Heroes Reborn presented a lot of interesting ideas but I am disappointed in the execution. The art and writing felt hectic and while I understood what the creative team was trying to do, I do not believe it was successful. 3 out of 5 for this one from me.
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Heroes Reborn #3
This issue looks into the hectic life of Blur. Like Blur, the story was all over the place and didn't land the way it should have.