It’s a brand new day for The Terrifics… Too bad nobody told the bad guys. Your Major Spoilers review of The Terrifics #26 from DC Comics awaits!
Writer: Gene Luen Yang
Penciler: Sergio Davila
Inker: Vicente Cifuentes
Colorist: Protobunker
Letterer: Tom Napolitano
Editor: Paul Kaminski
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Previously in The Terrifics: Following the events of the T-Finity experiment, Mr. Terrific has at last gained control of his long-defunct company Terrifictech, with the help of a mysterious benefactor. Seeking to redefine the concept of super-heroics with bleeding-edge technology and targeted global problem-solving, Michael Holt and his team of outcasts are expanding their horizons to a bright new future. But as the Terrifics evolve, the remnants of evils past just won’t let them go…
This issue opens with recurring frenemy of the Terrifics (and Metamorpho’s father-in-law) Simon Stagg poring over his computer, only to get the same bad news from every test: He has terminal cancer. When the strange, red-eyed creatures arrive with a bargain, Stagg looks terrified… but interested. The next morning, at the debut of the new Rapid Transit Holo-Pod system, a co-production of Stagg and Mr. Terrific, things seem to be going well, until the test-run of the holo-train ends in a crash, thanks to its lack of a driver. In fact, everyone aboard, including Stagg himself and Plastic Man’s son, Luke, have gone missing, forcing The Terrifics to go virtual to debug the software. They discover Stagg’s AI bodyguard mucking about in the code, forcing them to drill into the Earth itself in search of survivors. They find Simon Stagg, but are quickly overwhelmed by more of the strange maybe-demonic creatures as Stagg babbles that he expected to go alone, but they can’t defeat “Him”. Fortunately, Mister Terrific has time to call in the reserves, in the form of the T-Council, including Man-Bat, Blue Beetle, The Atom and Tom & Tesla Strong!
My first thought at the final page was excitement about seeing the Council in action, followed by a fear that we’re building up to a big final issue blowout, but I’m seeing the book solicited for at least two more issues, which helps to quell that fear a little bit. This issue moves fast and furious, but never neglects the important character moments: Simon Stagg and Metamorpho have a quick exchange wherein the hero tries to make Simon feel better, even though he doesn’t particularly like him; Plastic Man tries to talk his son out of working for Stagg and Phantom Girl lets it slip that she finds Offspring kinda cute. Everyone has their moment, and the team works together like a well-oiled machine, with equally effective art. The last page reveal is a great visual, but Davila makes every page exciting. Best of all, the weird transformations of half the team are inventive and fun throughout, including a ribbon cutting with Metamorpho as ribbon and Plastic Man as scissors, where Plas jokes that Rex needs to get better at rock/paper/scissors.
In short, The Terrifics #26 explains with perfect clarity why they survived where so many other books went down, with a clever, engaging story and attractive art, using the extended cast and backdrop of the DCU to great effect, earning 4 out of 5 stars overall. If you haven’t been reading it, this is a great place to jump on, especially with a cast and creators this good.
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Fast-moving action with a lot of well-done character moments, all leading to a inevitable shock moment and a great cliffhanger... Well-done!