It’s really great when you come across a comic that keeps your attention after the first issue! The latest to do that for me is Ogres from Source Point Press.
Creators Bob Salley and Shawn Daley continue to tell a very gripping, “human” tale that keeps me surprised and fascinated as I turn from page to page. I greatly appreciate those folks making available to an advance look into this book, due out during the holiday season!
Like Ogre before it, this miniseries makes us care about the various creatures (even the human ones!), so it’s something very special!
OGRES #2 of 4
Writer: Bob Salley
Artist/Colorist/Letterer: Shawn Daley
Editor: Travis McIntire
Published by: Source Point Press
Cover price: $3.99
Release Date: December 18, 2019
SOLICITATION: With Cron about to be sacrificed by the Dragon Cleric and his monks, the others struggle to agree on a rescue plan. The Ogres and their new friend, Rett the dwarf, are caught between the angry savages who have followed them from the badlands and the civilized people who want to see them destroyed. Meanwhile, the Taesh’aar continue to wreak havoc upon the fantastical creatures of the land.
The first thing I noticed about this issue #2 is that, at least on the cover I saw, there’s actually no sign of the Ogres! Instead, it features Rett the dwarf, who is leaping into action.
One of the great thing about these books is that the various characters come to the forefront when the story demands it instead of the ogres dominating the entire tale. There’s a very good reason why Rett is on the cover, actually, so this all makes sense. Now, variant covers may be available, and they may have the Ogres on them, but this one was a fun change of pace.
Again, let me point out the following: The three ogres are very different from one another. The biggest of the group is Tugho, who is much less violent than his size and appearance may lead others to believe. The female of the three is called Meika, and she’s the action-oriented one. She orders the others around easily, so she’s obviously the leader. The third is Cron, a male who is pretty average in size and demeanor. He’s very willing to follow Meika’s lead even though he may not physically be up to what she demands.
Another thing to keep in mind is that surprises and shocks will meet you on many pages, and that includes discovering other predators in this universe and how they can distract the characters and the reader as we move ahead with this issue. You do learn one thing quickly—making noise is a big mistake here!
There’s a sequence in this issue when someone is standing up, talking with a foe—then suddenly is riddled with arrows! That hurt just to look at!
There’s a wonderful line in this issue, and it’s spoken by Meika, the apparent leader of the trio: “Let the Ogres do the heavy lifting.” Even though they have their moments when they don’t get along, they are still the ones who make things happen!
This book also pays more attention to what seems to be a religious sect in the region. The high priest of sorts is busily trying to execute people he feels don’t deserve to be around, and that includes Cron, the Ogre captured last issue. There’s an executioner who wields a huge blade, which the high priest says is not for “the righteous, the wholesome, and the sanitary.” Loved that line!
Dracoscale is a substance we encounter, and it’s used to punish or kill. “Once the scales take form, you will burn,” says the high priest. We get to see it being used, and it’s awful in its ability to torture and kill.
That leads to a point about these stories that impresses me. Things are very “raw,” or in the purest sense of their existence. There are some shades of grey, but mostly the characters and the substances in Ogres are very “pure” in that they don’t waver from their intended missions very long. What little civilization that exists doesn’t seem to have nearly as much influence as the nastier elements do.
There also isn’t much, if any, time to decompress into long spates of dialogue, as many other comics today seem to relish. Instead, the reader must pay attention to what’s happening and what people are saying because a turn of the page (like a turn of the corner) can present new problems and dangers.
Like the first issue, the balance of drama and action is a strong one, and this issue also is a serious page-turner! The plotting is quick, and things don’t stay still for very long. It’s a fun read!
As I stated about the universe, Daley’s art is also “raw” in its focus, with the characters being illustrated in craggier forms rather than smooth lines. I also like that the pages themselves appear to be types of paper that stories might have been told on in the Ogres era. Nicely done!
I always judge artwork in a comic on two things: action sequences and facial expressions. If I can tell what’s going on and the artwork is visually engaging, that’s a huge plus! But it’s also important for faces to show what the various individuals are feeling, and that’s a particular strength of Daley. It’s the ideal art for this story!
BOTTOM LINE: Can’t Wait for the Next Issue!
When I read Ogres, I often find myself out of breath when I get to the last page! Things happen so quickly and so unexpectedly that I’m almost afraid to turn the page at times! But that’s part of the excitement! It’s interesting because humans are nearly always the main characters in fantasies like this one. To see the other creatures in the limelight is unusual and interesting!
If you’re new to the Ogres universe, let your local comics shop know you want more! Sometimes they can order previous issues and trades, or you can see the Source Point Press people at various conventions. You also might check digital comics vendors like comiXology to see if they have these books available. It’s worth diving in now even if you are a little late to the party! Hey, we do need more Ogres, after all!
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Ogres #2
When I read Ogres, I often find myself out of breath when I get to the last page! Things happen so quickly and so unexpectedly that I’m almost afraid to turn the page at times! But that’s part of the excitement!