Broken Gargoyles is an upcoming comic book mini-series from Source Point Press that follows the wretched survivors of war who are cast aside by a society looking forward to a thriving utopia while still hanging on to the world that used to be.
Browsing: Bob Salley
It’s really great when you come across a comic that keeps your attention after the…
What the heck is Ogres #1 about? Find out in this Major Spoilers review!
Bob Salley is back, and he’s talking making comics, working with other creators, Indie books, Kickstarter, and many other facets of the industry!
It’s another great double-header this week in Episode 343! First up, we talk with several of the creators behind Image’s new series Crowded, which just debuted in your local comics shop this past Wednesday!
Welcome to the weekly rundown of comic book reviews from Major Spoilers. There is a lot of stuff on the site, but this is your one-stop post to find all of the comics we’ve reviewed this week.
One of the great tropes in science fiction and fantasy is the “outsider,” someone who…
It’s Thanksgiving weekend here in the U.S., and one of the things I’m thankful for is the chance to catch up with Indie comics creator Bob Salley!
What if you’re in such a terrible situation that there are no “good” choices? Only “less bad” ones?
In the newest Salvagers chapter, the creative team lets the readers in on some more of what’s going on, and does it all with skill while managing several moving parts, making this issue a great read!
That sense of wonder and terror is captured superbly in Shelter Division, a new comic that brings several of the most impossible creatures and beings together to stop evil.
I often come across comics fans who believe that the only time a comic can be good is if it has the logo for Marvel, DC, or Image on the cover. If not, they simply won’t even consider it.
This week, Bob Salley from Salvagers is back, and he updates us on many of his projects.
Ready for two informative interviews about new comics? First up is a chat with Bohdan…