Lois is ready to really kick her investigation into gear, but first she needs to handle a new set of problems once a certain big blue boyscout comes to town. Elsewhere, Renee Montoya comes face to face(?) with someone she least expected. Your Major Spoilers review awaits!
LOIS LANE #3 (OF 12)
Writer: Greg Rucka
Artist: Mike Perkins
Colorist: Paul Mounts
Letterer: Simon Bowland
Editor: Mike Cotton
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 4th, 2019
Previously in Lois Lane: Prize winning journalist Lois Lane is unraveling a web of government corruption. She’s already managed to get her press credentials revoked and has become a bit of a tabloid celebrity. Elsewhere, one of Lois’ Russian colleagues has died under mysterious circumstances, so Lois has employed the assistance of Renee Montoya A.K.A. The Question to look into things. After finally getting a lead, Lois thinks that her story is about to break wide open, that is of course, until her lead is shot dead right in front of her.
Lois Lane #3 starts hot off the heels of the shooting from the previous issue. Lois explains the story to the police and decides to head back to her hotel with Renee Montoya. Before she can make it though she’s drawn to a sudden commotion. Superman himself is on the scene, in full view of every cell phone around. Instead of being happy to see her husband, she instead is quite upset. Away from the crowds Superman appears before Lois, but not before she takes advantage of his super hearing to have a one sided conversation. Feeling awkward, Renee decides to leave the couple alone and head back herself. Clark tries to make his angry wife happy by taking her flying, which only manages to calm her down enough for her to really explain to him why what he did upset her. Back at the hotel, Renee notices that someone is following her, so she sneaks into the boiler room and confronts her tail. After a few rounds of fisticuffs, the two stand down and it’s revealed that her attacker is The Question, the same alias she has been using for years. The two decide to remove their masks and the person who has been following her, is someone that Renee never thought she’d see again, for a very good reason. The argument between Lois and Clark comes to a close and the two make amends. They go their separate ways for the time being. Lois makes it back to the hotel to find someone using her shower. And in what might be one of the most uncomfortable moments in recent comics history, Lois discovers that the person in the shower is none other than her own son.
The first two issues of this series have been noir/espionage/crime drama at it’s finest. Which is why this issue feels a little jarring. Much of this issue is focused on the complicated nature of Lois’ relationship with Clark. It was nice to see a bit of a shift in the typical dynamic between Clark and Lois, with his concept of right and wrong being out of sync with what Lois needs personally. It seems like the creators are going for more of a broad examination of Lois Lane as a character rather than a thematically focused series. What really threw me was the humor in this issue. It’s well done, just a shift in tone I wasn’t expecting. There’s been some tongue in cheek quips in the series before, but this is the first time an issue has felt like it was trying to be overtly lighthearted. Not to say that there isn’t mystery to be had; The cliffhanger with Renee is enough to satisfy that itch.
I’ve really enjoyed the art in Lois Lane. The deep dark lines and exaggerated shading has really enhanced the tone of the first two issues. But, with the slightly lighter tone of Lois Lane #3, things don’t quite fit as well. It’s still nice looking art, but it just doesn’t match up with the content of the issue. Even with the disconnect, there’s no doubt that Chicago looks beautiful here. All the hard edges, geometric architecture, and slight griminess are on display.
Considering that it’s still very early in a 12-issue series, I’m willing to give this particular book some slack. The first two issues really seemed to be creating a very specific tone and theme and this one feels like a departure to that. So, I think time will tell whether Lois Lane #3 remains separated from the rest of the series, or it becomes more in line with the rest of the issues. On its own, it’s still a decent book with some funny lines and interesting character moments. 3.5 out of 5 Stars
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Lois Lane #3
Lois Lane #3 still feels like a continuation to the love letter to journalism started in the first two issues of the series, but doesn’t match the same tone as the story begins to shift to a more personal facet of the titular character.