I find the most enjoyable humor to be the self-deprecating kind. You know, the ones where you poke fun at yourself instead of waiting for others to do it!
In its truest Ambush Bug-like sense, Harley Quinn #64 has fun with the “Year of the Villain” event, even pointing out that there are only four months in it!
Writer: Sam Humphries
Artist: Sami Basri
Colorists: Jessica Kholinne and Hi-Fi
Letterer: Steve Wands
Editor: Alex Antone
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 7, 2019
SOLICITATION: Harley’s tried everything to avoid Lex Luthor and his stupid “Offer”—she’s destroyed half a dozen of Lex’s drones, she’s changed her name, her cell phone number—she even faked her own death! Why won’t this bald, pasty-faced weirdo take no for an answer? Harley Quinn takes on the crossover event of the summer in this comic-within-a-comic take on “DC’s Year of the Villain!”
I keep thinking that once you’ve written Harley Quinn, you always want to keep writing her! Take, for example, Karl Kesel, who created Impossible Jones since he missed writing Harleen so much. She gets under your skin, seems like!
In this month’s issue, the creative team lays down as many jokes as they can, based on what should be a serious event in DC! They’re response? NAHHHH!
Now, there is a serious storyline going on, focusing on Harley’s mother who is dying from cancer. But it serves as an effective counterpoint to the silliness in the rest of the issue.
There are actually two main storylines happening, as Harleen reads the comic book based on her. Some of the time we’re reading what is going on in the comic, while other times we see Harley trying to keep touch with reality. The way you know the difference is by her costume—the comic version has the original Paul Dini/Bruce Timm outfit, and the “real” one has the most recent costume on.
The tough part of reviewing a comedic comic is that you desperately want to spoil the punch lines. I’ll do my best to save the fun for the readers of this comic!
For example, writer Humphries himself is on the DC Daily show that the real guy appears on at times. He’s interviewing Apex Lex, pointing out that Harley is the only one to refuse his offer compared to 300 hundred villains. Let’s just say that things don’t go according to plan during that show.
Another funny running gag is Harley pointing fun at the name, “Apex Lex.” She goes through a bunch of those gags, including “Perplexed Lex,” “Herpes Simp-Lex,” and “Deflect Lex.” Then she appears in a Gotham City in which clothes are outlawed. There are creative uses for the “Censored” box in that one!
Congrats to Humphries for poking fun at this event, and making those of us who have heard about it get a good laugh for a change! I loved it when Bane said, “Luthor! Strip now!”
I have to give Basri credit—the drawings of both Harley Quinn costumes are on-target! Her facial expressions are also great fun, along with the action sequences. Even the naked denizens of Gotham were done expertly.
The change in style between the “comic” Harley and the “real” Harley was another great bit of art management. Really well done!
BOTTOM LINE: Harley Keeps the Comedy Coming!
Every time I pick up a Harley Quinn comic, it’s truly funny! I clearly remember the Old Lady Harley I reviewed sometime back, and it also made me laugh out loud!
What grips me tremendously, though, is what happens to Harley’s mom. I have to be back next issue to be completely certain! Yikes!
If you haven’t been reading Harley Quinn, I have to highly recommend this issue. If you are a fan of big comics events, this will make you laugh. If you despise said events, you will howl out loud at the excellent book! You just might be tempted to strip at certain parts of the issue, but please don’t share those pictures on the Internet, okay? Thanks!
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Harley Quinn #64
Congrats to Humphries for poking fun at the Year of the Villain event in Harley Quinn #64, and making those of us who have heard about it get a good laugh for a change! I loved it when Bane said, “Luthor! Strip now!”