She Said Destroy #2
There are some nice character moments, and some thoughtful discussions to ponder.
What is the meaning of good when two goddesses meet in a futuristic conflict? And who really wields the power of the divine? Find out in She Said Destroy #2!
Writer: Joe Corallo
Artist: Liana Kangas
Colorist: Rebecca Nalty
Letterer: Melanie Ujimori
Publisher: Vault Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 3, 2019
Previously in She Said Destroy: In a universe that once held a variety of gods, there are now only two left. Brigid, the Goddess of the Sun has converted nearly everyone into worshipping her. She is the Sun Goddess, the good one. Her sister, The Morrigan, is the Goddess of Death. She has a small group of worshippers on one world, among whom is Winona, the favored one, beloved of the fairies and who can speak with The Morrigan. Brigid is closing in on The Morrigan, and Winona goes to the Fairy Enclave seeking guidance along with her friend Raul.
As She Said Destroy opens, Brigid is on her spaceship torturing Jackelyn. All she has to do is tell them where Fey is and they’ll stop the torture, and it will save lives. Then Brigid switches to telling her how Iris and the rest of her people would rather sacrifice her than be saved. She could join the Sun Goddess. It’s interesting hearing her go through this, so dead set that she is right and that she is on the side of good. But is it possible to take good to an extreme, to take it so far that it becomes warped? The Morrigan sends Jackelyn a vision and magic. The woman tries to cast a spell, but Brigid stops her, sends a message through her to The Morrigan, and then kills her dispassionately.
Winona and Raul spar again as Iris, their leader, urges them on. Raul feels that Winona is going easy on him, holding back. When she lets loose, her sword shatters and her magic flings him back. She feels badly, but he won’t take her help. His rejection hits her as though she was struck. She heads back to the Fairy Enclave, and Iris brings Raul back to the temple.
Brigid’s scouts think they have found Fey and want to verify this with a small exploratory force. Brigid overrides them; she wants to take her full force in and get all of them. The Morrigan’s people know she’s approaching, and they know they serve the Goddess of Death and what is expected of them in her service.
Things pick up quickly. A small chunk of Brigid’s forces attacks Fey, and they don’t hesitate to kill people rather than try to convert them. Winona sees a vision of Brigid talking to The Morrigan, and the story takes a thoughtful and interesting turn. Brigid has given herself over to Christianity; her goal is to survive, and she is sticking with the because they have the power now. Suddenly this really becomes a look into the transition of religions – old gods for new. And it’s chilling with Brigid’s apparent attitude that she’s the good one; therefore, what she’s doing is right and good by default, no matter what she does. That’s a mindset that can shut down dialogue before it even starts.
Winona makes it back to the battle, and with the help of the fairies, she channels The Morrigan’s magic to save Raul and finish off more of Brigid’s soldiers before they all flee, knowing that the battle still approaches.
It is rather wonderful how much can be conveyed in the straightforward linework of She Said Destroy #2. The characters are distinctive, and I like the contrast between Brigid’s people and their futuristic looking outfits, and The Morrigan’s people who have a simpler, more monastic looking style. The backgrounds are quite simple, just enough for us to get an idea of where we are. But I really like the manifestation of The Morrigan and her magic, and the symbolism that involves. They’re in shades of purple, and we get the idea that Brigid and her people cannot see them.
In She Said Destroy #2, we get to see more of what is at stake, and the story has become that much more intriguing. I like the blend of religion being taken into the future and coupled with future tech. There are some nice character moments, and some thoughtful discussions to ponder.