What a year it has been!
There are changes coming for Hawkman in the months ahead, but the first 12 issues of this series have been, well, epic!
So, just how did Hawkman #12 work out? It was one for the record books!
Writer: Robert Venditti
Artist: Bryan Hitch
Inkers: Andrew Currie, Norm Rapmund, Scott Hanna
Published by: DC Comics
Cover price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: With the battlefield split, Carter and his past lives put together a last-ditch plan to stop the Deathbringers once and for all, but if it should fail, Earth will be doomed and the universe will fall into the hands of the Deathbringers forever!
I always thought that Hawkman was so much more than some husky alien guy flying around with a mace. These 12 issues have shown Carter Hall is more than even a fanboy like me could imagine!
Hats off to Mr. Venditti for causing my jaw to drop so many times! It first happened when I saw there was a Hawkman on Krypton! (Yes, there was!)
I’ve seen a lot of comics creators throw up their hands at Hawkman’s convoluted history. But people like Geoff Johns and Robert Venditti have looked at it as an opportunity. Hawkman has never flown so high!
I mean, this issue had just about everything a comic reader could want! Hawkmen aplenty and of many shapes and sizes! Robots! Mid-air Fights! Space ships! An interesting new direction for the main character! I loved it!
My favorite part of the entire issue was the discussion between the very first Ktar Deathbringer and our Carter Hall. “Each life brings us closer to the light,” Ktar tells Carter.
It’s been an interesting year, one I won’t forget as a Hawkfan. And it all made sense! How about that!
The one thing we know for sure when it comes to what’s going on behind the curtain is that Bryan Hitch is moving on to other projects. He will be missed!
Hitch has set the standard for future artists working on the Winged Wonder. His ability to show Carter flying has made me feel like I was watching him really do it, not just reading a comic’s page.
This issue was his swan song (pardon the bird pun), and I hope we continue to see artists who can master Hawkman’s uniform and helmet, as well as his wings. Hitch did a wonderful job in all 12 issues, including this one!
BOTTOM LINE: Moving Hawkman Forward!
I have to admit that it’s kind of frustrating that Hawkman hasn’t received the attention a lot of us Hawkfans feel it deserves. I mean, the creative team has really placed the bar high for the character and the series moving forward. They surprised us all (in a good way) with cohesive stories, stunning art, and a new direction for this long-established DC character.
And the really good news is, there will be more! I like the choice of Pat Oliffe doing a three-issue arc, and wouldn’t mind him doing more Hawkman. We’ll see! I mean, Batman has had rotating artists and been successful! Why not Hawkman?
If you haven’t been reading this series, I very highly recommend it, especially if you are a fan of Carter Hall and his heroic self. With this comic and a possible movie on the horizon, well, it’s simply a wonderful time to be a Hawkfan!
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Hawkman #12
The Hawkman creative team has really placed the bar high for the character and the series moving forward. They surprised us all (in a good way) with cohesive stories, stunning art, and a new direction for this long-established DC character.
Prior to this series I have only read the Hawks in team books. This book I really liked and made me more interested in stories with the characters going forward!
Glad to hear it, KIRBY!