The Chaos Engine is active. It’s now just a matter of time. Your Major Spoilers review of Eternity Girl #3 awaits!
Writer: Magdalene Visaggio
Artist: Sonny Liew
Colorist: Chris Chuckry
Letterer: Todd Klein
Editor: Andy Khouri
Publisher: Young Animal/DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 9, 2018
Previously in Eternity Girl: “While Eternity Girl and Madame Atom make their way to the mysterious Shining Tower that sits at the intersection of being and nothingness, Caroline’s old boss reveals a devastating secret about Eternity Girl’s powers that even she doesn’t know, but that could destroy her for good. This looks like a job for… Never Man?”
As our story opens, four cosmic forces of the universe (including Mordru, the LSH’s future sorcerer of chaos and winged hats) come together to address the death of another last issue. One of them, Lord Crash insists that the traditional battle of order versus chaos is no longer germane. Instead, we’re looking at a battle of life versus oblivion, and Crash is willing to step in, if necessary. At the same time, Eternity Girl and Madame Atom come to an understanding: Even though Atom killed E.G., her death being reversed by cosmic retcon means that Eternity may be the only one able to stave off the coming apocalypse. Of course, there are those who want to stop her, and one of those is the wonderfully named Never Man, who is prepared to step in and stop her.
Of course, given that she has begun to use her fission powers to explode and possibly destroy reality as the book closes, he’ll have to move quickly.
Man, this is a weird comic, but it’s weird in a very charismatic way. The psychological aspects of Eternity Girl’s journey with Madame Atom make for some very deep conversations as well as some lovely (if not strictly representational) panels of art. Sonny Liew delivers on the hard-to-convey existential concepts in this issue, and the transitions between reality and the mind-scape are blurring in fascinating ways. This book continues to be complex and fascinating, thanks to Mags Visaggio’s scripting, and even if it doesn’t last past issue number six, I’m really happy with how the issues have been coming out. Most importantly, the often-used idea of universal crises and changes to the timeline gets a fresh twist in these pages, a plot point that makes “Comic Book Death” an important part of the story being told.
In short, Eternity Girl #3 is a really solid comic book adventure, filled with some complex visuals and storytelling that makes you think about what is and isn’t real, earning 4 out of 5 stars overall. I have repeatedly said that I’m the target audience for most, if not all of the Young Animal titles, but I think this one will appeal to anybody who wants a new take strange universal infinite crises and such…