Simon and Jessica have to face one of Hal Jordan’s most powerful and dangerous foes, but will even double the number of power rings be enough to overcome Doctor Polaris?
I wouldn’t bet the rent… Your Major Spoilers review of Green Lanterns #19 awaits!
Writer: Sam Humphries
Artist: Ronan Cliquet
Colorist: Blond
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Editor: Mike Cotton
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $2.99
Previously in Green Lanterns: With Hal Jordan otherwise occupied in space, Simon Bas and Jessica Cruz have been given the task of acting as Green Lantern of Earth. The two rookie Lanterns have been forced by Jordan to work together, sharing one Oan power lantern and also being forced to deal with the issues that have made them more than a little bit antisocial. Now, in the wake of Justice League/Suicide Squad, an old Green Lantern foe is about to raise his ridiculously helmeted head…
This issue beings in an auditorium, as Doctor Neal Emerson makes a presentation about his experimental research to treat aggressive brain cancer with magnetism. Quickly, though, we find that all is not as it seems: The “auditorium” is in Neal’s mind, and the only audience member is the other personality that lives in his cabeza, the dangerous magnetic madman known as Doctor Polaris. Neal awakens from his dream, and we quickly discover that he is, in fact, working on such treatments, as his brother is hospitalized with just such a tumor. At the same time, Simon Baz has brother troubles of his own, as his brother-in-law and almost former best friend Nazir takes him to task for no longer being a real part of the family, now that he has his Lantern ring. The two stories come together when Task Force X (now under the control of Director Harcourt, who has less tolerance for metahuman foolishness than her predecessor, Amanda Waller) dispatches Simon and Jessica to take him down…
…only to find themselves trapped in a shell of metal shards, sinking to the bottom of a river. It’s a strong cliffhanger, and one that works really well to underline the danger that such a crafty villain presents. Most of the issue is devoted to Doctor Emerson’s plight, really showing us his powers, his cleverness and the desperation he feels in trying to save his brother’s life, while Green Lantern and Green Lantern show their inexperience several times during the story. That’s not to say that they’re not well written. The interplay between Jessica and Baz is lovely, especially when he reveals his dislike of hospitals, and the art is excellent throughout. A full-page splash of their arrival in Midway is lovely, and might even make a good Green Lanterns poster.
In short, this is a good issue, and takes the time to show us the villain’s motivation and internal life rather than shorthanding it (having him kill a child or kick a puppy or something) and still letting our heroes be heroic. Green Lanterns #19 shows that you don’t need a hotshot pilot being a jerk to make these stories exciting and puts a great deal of effort into making the clash between hero and villain meaningful to the story, while looking good from cover to cover, earning a better-than-average 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. I might not recommend it as a jumping on point for these Lanterns, but it serves as a good, solid story showing why the characters are compelling enough to get their own series…
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