One of the newer characters of the Marvel Universe is on his second adventure in this Spider-Man-related miniseries. The hook of the series? Alpha had been groomed to be the world’s greatest hero, but was a colossal jerkwad instead. With a new direction and a Superior mentor, is this story a worthwhile read? Major Spoilers checks out ALPHA:BIG TIME #2…
ALPHA: BIG TIME #2 (of 5)
Writer: Joshua Hale Fialkov
Art: Nuno Plati
Editor: Tom Brennan
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $2.99
Previously in ALPHA: BIG TIME: Pride goeth before the fall, and the end of Alpha’s original arc saw the teenage hero lose all of his superpowers. Now in Pittsburg, Alpha still must commute to Horizon Labs in NY for regular “power” checkups from Peter Parker. However, with Doc Ock firmly in control of Parker’s body, Alpha is given his powers back for reasons known only to Octo-Man. Returning to his home, Alpha attempts to stop a holdup and instead melts the burglar’s face.
In this particular issue, Alpha must face responsibility for nearly killing a mugger due to the lack of control he has over his powers. But besides that, the main through line of the book is Alpha coming to grips with what he is and who he is. After a hefty slice of humble pie losing his powers as seen last issue, Alpha is no longer the cocky dork who first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man. We also get more familiar with the supporting cast of Philly, including a couple of new friends for Alpha and a potential love interest. The whole title reads more like a traditional origin story from the Marvel of old rather than a “cutting edge” new property. Still, nothing at all wrong with a classic story, and while this issue is really light on action, the story it tells comes across well.
While I’m not the biggest fan of Ramos, his work would serve this title well. Though most if the issue is talky-talky, Plati doesn’t seem to have the ability to portray a range of emotions and the heads of characters squash and stretch throughout the book. The Ramos-drawn cover is certainly misleading to what you get inside.
Alpha as a character is more interesting here than he was back in the Amazing Spider-Man proper, but the artwork is much less pretty. The story is interesting, but hardly anything epic. A possible manipulation by Doc Ock is hinted at, but beyond that, nothing much is brought to the table. Alpha: Big Time #2 gets an average 2.5 out of 5 stars.
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