A new Amazing Spider-Man volume kicks off in April by Joe Kelly, Pepe Larraz, and John Romita Jr., and to celebrate, Marvel Comics has announced artist Simone Di Meo is providing one of the variant covers.
Browsing: Simone Di Meo
This is the end… Batman: Urban Legends #23 from DC Comics is the final issue of the series, and we have a sneak peek of the issue.
In the big finale, new revelations arise about the harvesting of god-crystal in this week’s We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #15 from BOOM! Studios.
BOOM! Studios sent us a sneak peek of We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #15, the final issue in the series from Al Ewing and Simone Di Meo.
It’s Bruce Wayne versus Jace Fox versus Dick Grayson vs. Damian Wayne versus Hush in this sneak peek of Future State: Gotham #17. The issue is in stores today from DC Comics.
The final arc continues this week in this sneak peek of We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #13 from BOOM! Studios.
Here is your first look at Robin #17 from DC Comics.
Jason Todd is back in the hero business in this week’s Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood #2 from DC Comics.
Batmen at War part four happens in this week’s Future State: Gotham #16 from DC Comics.
BOOM! Studios sent Major Spoilers an early look at We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #13 from Al Ewing and Simone Di Meo.
The world of Batman: White Knight continues to expand in Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood #1, the first issue in a new miniseries from DC Comics.
The third and final arc continues in We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #12 from BOOM! Studios.
Robin’s investigation into Lazarus Island is put on hold as Lord Death Man strikes. LORD DEATH MAN!? That’s right, Dear Spoilerite, Lord. Death.Man. Take the jump for a sneak peek of the action in Robin #16 from DC Comics.
Take the jump for a sneak peek of Black Adam #2 from DC Comics.