There’s a lot of firsts in this particular issue of Uncanny X-Men. New characters, an old character’s new name, and the best costume that a certain Canucklehead has ever donned. Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of X-Men #139 awaits!
Browsing: Retro Review
Before the Femforce, there was Captain Paragon… but what came before THAT? Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of Captain Paragon #1 awaits!
In the Silver Age, it sometimes seemed like more people survived the destruction of Krypton than actually perished. But few of them were as unique as Kal-El’s very own Eddie Haskell, the knave called Dev-Em! Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of Adventure Comics #287 awaits!
If you’re here at Major Spoilers, we know you know your comics. But… have you ever heard of the Golden Age Son of Satan? Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of Venus #10 awaits!
One of the most prolific comics publishers over multiple decades, Charlton Comics owed its existence in part to the fact that printing cereal boxes can be an expensive concern. Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of Yellowjacket Comics #1 awaits!
Sometimes, the non-costumed adventurers of comics past are forgotten, left by the wayside in favor of their costumed peers. For example, do you know about The Three Aces? Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of Action Comics #18 awaits!
These days, he’s treated like Marvel’s very own Superman, but the beginning of The Sentry’s journey is much weirder than that. Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of The Sentry #1 awaits!
As the comic book incarnation of the Power Rangers makes a new start with Power Rangers Prime, I wondered about the first time the Rangers appeared in comic form. It… was a mistake. Your Major Spoilers review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Fruit Of The Loom Premium #1 from Hamilton Comics awaits!
She’s one of Batman’s worst enemies and the mother of his child. With the Dark Knight, things can get complicated… Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of Detective Comics #411 awaits!
There are great characters, great codenames, and great costumes. This issue was the first time an X-Man managed to pull off all three. Enter: HAVOK! Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of The X-Men #58 awaits!
One of the best parts of old-school comics books is in seeing how often the first issue isn’t actually a number one issue. Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of The Vault of Horror #12 awaits!
It was the soil from which DC Comics grew, but at some point, the fun always comes to an end. Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of More Fun Comics #127 awaits!
The Ultra-Humanite is one of Superman’s deadliest foes. He’s also the reason another, unrelated Super-foe looks the way that he does. Intrigued yet? Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of Action Comics #13 awaits!
The pages of Invincible were full of in-jokes about our favorite comics. Some of them blew up into something much more. Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of Marvel Team-Up #14 awaits!