It’s the gods of myth versus Purgatori, and only one side can prevail. And she’s got a pretty big head start! Your Major Spoilers review of Purgatori Must Die #1 from Dynamite Entertainment awaits!
Browsing: Purgatori
Purgatori Must Die! At least that is what Dynamite Entertainment is saying about its latest series. Take the jump for a sneak peek at the first issue.
Purgatori! She’s got the memories of thousands of people in her head! But who is she, really? Perhaps we’ll discover the answer in this sneak peek of Purgatori #5 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Dynamite Entertainment slipped us a sneak peek of this week’s Purgatori #4, and now, we are sharing that preview with you!
Monsters trying to kill Purgatori in the trackless forests of Europe. Will they succeed? Take the jump for this sneak peek of Purgatori #3 from Dynamite Entertainment to find out.
How in the heck did Purgatori end up in Norway? Find out in this sneak peek of Purgatori #2 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Dynamite Entertainment kicks off its Purgatori series this week, and we have a sneak peek of Purgatori #1!
Dynamite Entertainment has announced that Purgatori is getting her own series in October from horror writer Ray Rawkes.
All the players are out in the open now, and the field’s starting to get bloody in Vampirella vs. Purgatori #5 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Take the jump for a sneak peek of Vampirella vs. Purgatori #4 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Here it is! The moment you’ve been waiting for! It is the sneak peek of Vampirella vs. Purgatori #3 from Dynamite Entertainment! That’s right… your day is now complete.
So yeah…
Vampirella and Purgatori…take the jump for a sneak peek of Vapirella vs Purgatori #2 from Dynamite Entertainment.
The unholy alliance you prayed would never happen is coming to stores on Wednesday. Take the jump for a sneak peek of Vampirella vs. Purgatori #1 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Need more statues for your Wall of Awesome? Dynamite Entertainment releases Purgatori and Red Sonja…