Browsing: Phillip Kennedy Johnson

Cotati have been hunted down by the Skrulls and Kree and now they seek revenge! However they don’t just want to defeat Skrulls and Kree; they plan to wipe all non-plant based life starting with Earth! Come check out the fight with EMPYRE: CAPTAIN AMERICA #1 by Marvel!

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Breaking into comics is hard, and some publishers set up programs to help them uncover new talent. DC Comics, publisher of some of the greatest superheroes in the world, has such a program, and once a year they give space to the creators of tomorrow who made it.

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The gang have been split in two, with Amir going through a diary from 1875 he’s found in the spooky Hollow House, his friends have a confrontation with a menacing group of armed me intent on finding Amir, so he can pay for the sins of his dead brother.  All that and Emma facing alien strangeness in Copper Sky feature in Low Road West #3.

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