Ms. Marvel and Qarin face off in this epic finale of Ms. Marvel: Beyond the LImit #5 from Marvel Comics.
Browsing: Mashal Ahmed
Ms. Marvel has a doppelganger — which is pretty weird. It turns out she’s a teenage girl named Qarin, and she has shapeshifting powers too. Find out what happens next in this sneak peek of Ms. Marvel: Beyond the Limit #3 from Marvel Comics.
Elephants and illusions and doppelgangers, oh my! Take the jump for a sneak peek of Ms. Marvel: Beyond the Limit #2 from Marvel comics.
Marvel Comics has released this preview of Ms. Marvel: Beyond The Limit #1 that arrives on Wednesday.
Celebrate Asian Superheroes from across the Marvel Universe written by Asian creators! Marvel Comics presents us with a unique comic called Marvel’s Voices: Identity #1!
Some of the best Asian super heroes in comics are getting the spotlight in this special action-packed and heartfelt issue! Take the jump for a sneak peek of Marvel’s Voices: Identity #1 from Marvel Comics.
Marvel is celebrating its Asian super heroes with six variant covers for the upcoming Marvel’s Voices: Identity #1.