et against the backdrop of a sleepy Pacific Northwest fishing town, The Stoneshore Register is a graphic novel that finds the ordinary in the extraordinary, and the mystery in the mundane.
Browsing: M.K. Perker
The legendary tabloid newspaper, Weekly World News, is getting a comic book adaptation from writers Steven Paul Judd, Ken Kristensen, and Tvli Jacob, with art by M.K. Perker.
Dark Horse Comics sent us this early look at Air Volume 4 by G. Willow Wilson and M.K. Perker.
The new ruler of the Kingdom of Faerie stands revealed—and you can find out who it is in this sneak peek of The Dreaming: Waking Hours #10 from DC Comics.
Press Release Image Comics’ hit comic book TODD, THE UGLIEST KID ON EARTH is the…
Todd is ugly. So ugly that he wears a bag over his head. But he’s…
Press Release Eisner-nominated artist M.K. Perker and award-winning writer Ken Kristensen announced today that their…