Press Release Earth has been marked as an “Avengers World”, protected by Iron Man, Captain…
Browsing: jonathan hickman
Marvel released a sneak peek of Avengers #10 that features Omega Flight teaming with Earth’s…
Press Release The world is ending. Humanity’s final judgment is at hand, and the only…
Or – “We’ve Got Nearly Half A Dozen Hyperions To Choose From…” The Marvel Universe…
The Avengers, a group of the mightiest heroes in the Marvel Universe fighting together to…
A new form of Marvel’s Illuminati has assembled for the Marvel NOW! Initiative. These bigwigs…
What happens when you twist history and rebuild it based on whatever weird and wacky…
New Avengers #1 is the latest Marvel NOW! title, featuring the talents of Jonathan Hickman…
Or – “Are All The Marvel Books on Bi-Weekly Shipping Schedules?” Last issue, a mysterious…
Or – “Relaunch-O-Rama!” I’ve been a comics reader for a long time, but the current…
What do Dr. Doom, Batman, Bruce Banner and Wile E. Coyote all have in common?…
Marvel has released a sneak peek of Avengers #1 by Jonathan Hickman and Jerome Opena,…
As Jonathan Hickman wraps up his run on Fantastic Four, he’s been hunting down loose…
Marvel has unveiled the three covers to Avengers #1 – #3 that connect together to…