Browsing: Jacob Edgar

It may been a long, long time since Rocketman burned up his fuse, but he’s not up there alone! Your Major Spoilers review of Rocketman and Rocketgirl #1 from Dynamite Entertainment awaits!

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The chosen ones from every mythology are brought together to fight the actual chosen one! Find out if they can put aside their differences in The Ones #1 by Dark Horse Comics! 

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In DEATH TO THE ARMY OF DARKNESS #4 from Dynamite Entertainment our team of intrepid Ash’s face death at every corner, and sweet, sweet temptation as well.  Venturing back to Ancient Egypt, the team witness visions of how life would be like without the real Ash.  Who gives in to temptation and can the Deadites be beaten?  Find out in your latest Major Spoilers review!

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